The Scene

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Andy's father would get drunk everyday and Andy would have to take care of him when he got home. Andy would have to make him some coffee and hope he'd pass out before he got angry. Andy would sometimes be abused by her father when he came home drunk and angry and the next day at school when people asked about it, she would have say she got hit by a baseball on her walk home.

I had just gotten home from school when my father had walked in tripping every few steps.  Great I'll have to take care of my father before going to the movies. I went to the kitchen and started making coffee. I could her my father yelling "WHERE THE HELL IS MY COFFEE!?!" from the other room. The coffee then finished and I poured the coffee into a yellow mug and walked to my father and gave him the mug. Once my father had his coffee I started writing a note for my father when my father would wake up after he passed out. It said "Dear Father, I hope you don't mind but my friends asked me to go see a movie tonight. I should be back by 11pm. There is dinner in the fridge, all you have to do is heat it up in the microwave for a minute. Love, Andy"  I was starting to go to my room to get dressed for the movies when I heard a thump in the next room. I ran into the room and saw my father laying on the floor. He must've past out while trying to get to the bed. I slowly picked him up (more like dragged him) to his bed and set him down. I then went back to what I was doing. I decided to wear my black v-neck shirt along with my white jacket  with my dark blue skinny jeans and my black leather boots. I then but on some mascara and black eyeliner. I was ready to go. I looked at the time. Crap! I was gonna be late! I hurried out the door and to my black mustang.  And I'm not rich, it was a gift from my grandmother.  Quickly without speeding I went to the movie theater. I found a parking spot and ran inside. I saw my friends waiting for me outside the movie theater. I went up to them and apologized for being late. Turns out being late is fun because they'll buy you your movie ticket. Kidding they did buy me a movie ticket but I repaid them. We were seeing La La Land. I was really looking forward to it. Last week I had to cancel because my father was being a pain. Luckily tonight I was able to get away before he had waken up. Once the movie was done we had went to our favorite place to hangout, the Library. Yes the place where you have to be quiet, but honestly my friends and I love to go there to read. They have every single story you can think of, space stories to little insects stories and even different world stories. Honestly I thought it was cool to have a mind to create a story, mine was not a mind for story writing, I could never finish a story. Once we were done at the library (which was when they said we had to leave) all my friends said our goodbyes. I got into my black mustang and turned on the radio. My favorite song was playing!!! I Gotta Feeling By Black Eye Peas!!! I turned the radio all the way up. Blaring my music and jamming out I drive home. Once I get home I open the door and see my father on the couch staring at me. I close the door and get ready to be yelled at. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN MISSY!?!" My father yells on the top of his lungs. "Didn't you read my note?" I say. "YES, BUT I NEVER GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO GO!!!" "Dad I'm in college I can go whenever I want and technically you're living in my house since you can't live ALONE!!" I say while starting to getting angry. "YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED WITH ME, YOU KNOW YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE A DRUNK MAN BY HIMSELF!!!" "WELL TECHNICALLY I WAS STILL TAKING CARE OF YOU. YOU PASSED OUT SO I LET YOU BE AND I MADE SUPPER. I COULD'VE NOT MADE SUPPER FOR YOU! ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS HEAT IT UP!!" I was furious now. He always was trying to keep me with him! I looked at him straight in the eyes before he started yelling back to my last comment. All a sudden he dropped dead while I was staring at him. I didn't know what to do. I just stood looking at him for a little bit while it sunk in. Suddenly jerking myself to not look at my dead father I run to my room grab a duffle bag and put some clothes, toilet trees, some mascara and eyeliner, and a few pairs of shoes in it. Then I ran out the door into my black mustang.

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