Restless Sleep - Chapter 11

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"Meeya! What are you doing in the room alone? It is time to sleep. Prepare the bed. I and Samsun will sleep on the bed. You sleep on the floor. Get it!" my mom blared as she glared at me pointing her index finger. Samsun was my mom's younger sister, my aunt. I prepared the bed, placing the two pillows on the queen sized bed. I laid down a mat, thin and made out of wood, (Picture above) for myself to sleep, pillowless.

Everyone have gone to sleep. But I was wide awake. I didn't want to go out of the room as I'll wake my mom up. And that is like walking a lion from its precious sleep. My mind needed rest, as the whole day was tiring. The random thoughts of Farim, my mom, Sayadeek and the wedding were swirling in my mind causing a headache. My bladder was full and I needed to go to the restroom.

 Stuck in a very uncomfortable situation, I held on to my pee as hard as possible

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Stuck in a very uncomfortable situation, I held on to my pee as hard as possible. But there was a limit to everything. There is a saying in Tamil " you can control your anger but you can't control your urine".

I immediately got up, slowly tiptoed to the room door. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. I managed to somehow go to the toilet and let out what I was holding. I swear that feeling was so awesome. Maybe in life, I should learn how to let go of things and not let them accumulate in me. Maybe that's when I'll have peace I thought to myself as I opened the toilet door. As I walked out, I saw a room that was beside the toilet. That room's door was slightly open. My curiosity kicked in and I went to peek who was there.

I could see my father and his brothers sleeping in one bed. And the other bed had Makbull, Syadeek, Ajamal and another person who was facing away from me. I guessed it should have been one my relatives so I decided to head to my room. Just as I was going back, I heard movements. And I turned around to see Farim beside Ajamal. "Farim??" my eyes blinked and refocused in confusion. " WTH is here doing here?" I uttered.

He woke up and was sitting down. He pointed his finger at me but his eyes were closed. "Omg! what is he doing?" I questioned as I scratched my head. Taking in deep breaths I wanted to digest what I was seeing. I saw him smile and fall right back to sleep.


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"Pheww.. that was close. Oh gosh was he sleep talking? That was so cute!" I mumbled and head back to the room to sleep. Farim was a cutie having his messy hair cover his left eye and drifting off while smirking.

As I was drenched by his thoughts, I felt this blackness come over me. Like a blanket, but not a blanket of warmth but a blanket of coldness making me shiver. But somehow it was making my eyes feel heavier and heavier. I finally closed my eyes finally sending me into a dreamless sleep.

Hey guys

I am gonna pause here as I have tests coming up. But do stick on to more updates!! yay.

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