Coming Out

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The following morning, Veronica saw Betty at the lockers at school and said: "I just wanted to say thank you so much for last night. It was such a massive relief finally being able to actually say it out loud to someone". Betty replied: "any time, that's what best friends are for" the girls smiled at each other before sharing a hug.

Veronica then revealed she felt ready to come out to her mum. When Betty said: "are you sure? That's a massive step" the brunette replied: "yeah I'm sure. Now that I've told you and you've been so amazing I feel much more able to tell my mum.

Betty insisted that Veronica let her know how it went and she agreed. Even for someone as outwardly confident as Veronica, this was massive. With her dad in prison, her mum was all she had left of her family- but with Betty's support she knew she wasn't alone.

That night Veronica arrived home before Hermione and made herself comfortable in the front room. She could feel her heart rate increasing, until she got a text from Betty which said: "whatever happens, I got you". That immediately made Veronica smile and relax.

Hermione got home and, noticing Veronica looking nervous, she asked if she was OK and Veronica replied: "Mum there's something really important I need to tell you". After a few moments she continued: "Recently I've realised something about myself. The truth is, I like girls as well as guys. I'm bisexual"

After saying those words, Veronica was dreading the response from her mother, but she didn't need to. Hermione said: "you're my daughter, I love you and I want you to be happy. If this is who you are then I will support you all the way" Veronica hugged her as tears began rolling down her face.

Hermione asked if Veronica had told anyone else and the younger girl replied: "the only other person I've told is Betty. It was actually coming out to her that gave me the courage to come out to you". Hermione smiled and said: "I'm so glad you've got a friend like Betty.

Later on Veronica texted Betty and said: "I told her! I actually came out to my mum! She said she supported me, thank you so much xx" Betty replied: "that's amazing, so happy for you. Any time, you know that xx"

There was only one thing to do in this situation- go to Pops for a milkshake. It was fair to say that Betty and Veronica ended up there most nights. It certainly helped that Hermione worked there so they occasionally got discounts.

At one point, Betty said: "you know, you're lucky. I wish my mum could be supportive of me, with anything". Veronica held Betty's hand to show her support and replied: "I know, I wish she was too because you deserve it. But if all else fails you've got me"

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