7 | In Velvet Night

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Warm, electrified, awakened

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Warm, electrified, awakened...

Tonight, the world seemed luminescent, from the hues of the grass to the twinkling yellow light coming from the lightbulbs scattered along the ceiling. I used my hand to wipe the condensation off the bathroom mirror.

Red welts spread along my chest, this time from a source far more erotic and intoxicating than the last time. Reaching out, I stroked the tainted flesh, it absorbed the claim Alaric held over me. I dried my body and pulled on a silk nightdress, it was a few years old, and my body had since filled out. Causing the once cute-looking blue material to become a lot more provocative.

It's lace hem only just covered my ass, while the sweetheart neckline stretched across my breasts, pushing them up into a nice swell. It cinched in at the waist and I found myself mesmerised by my form. I wanted to look good for him.

For so long I'd despised my body; it was scattered in scars and memories of suppressed trauma. But tonight... I glowed, his touch had done something to me, both internally and externally. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me as I made my way through the quiet house and into my room.

The large bay window I always kept closed was open, and rain sang as the wind chilled the space. The standing lamp in the corner glossed over the room with honey. My eyes swept the space before returning to the large figure hunched over on my bed.

He sat with his elbows resting on his knees, his jaw cupped in large hands. Alaric's eyes watched me, stroking my skin the way his fingers had. I clenched my thighs, feeling my core greet the appraisal enthusiastically.

I wondered if he could smell my arousal, his gaze stopped on the small dip between my hips, knowingly. This man knew exactly what he did to my body, knew that it would only drip like this for him.

Unable to bare the distance any longer, I crossed the room, pausing in between his spread legs.

Alaric hot breath seeped through the thin material of my nightwear. Inhaling deeply, he sat up straight, his lips in line with the top swells of my tits.

I thought he'd tug my breasts out, draw one in between his teeth and torment me. But Alaric was brutish, masculine and far more sadistic. One large hand curled around my neck, the other moved between my thighs. This time he did not toy, he simply thrust his middle finger between my slit, hard and forceful.

The sudden intrusion caused a small yelp, he holds my attention, making me watch while he thrusts in and out. So I watch, I fucking glare down into his soulless eyes and found my pussy enjoyed the lack of morality it found in them.

Shamelessly I rotated my hips, craving more, needing him to curl the digit inside me to hit that a velvety heaven within. "I need more." I pleaded. But Alaric only held my gaze, despite my body moving and his, the man kept my eyes locked with his. "You're not going to let me cum are you?" I finally breathed out.

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