Until You

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I once saw a post on facebook saying, ''Everybody has that one friend who is now a stranger..''.

I wouldn't have believed it if it never happened to me. But it did. And now I understood how it felt being treated like you don't exist by one of your close friends who unfortunately, you had a crush on. Actually, I still have a crush on him. Hahaha.. Anyways, this is my story.


Chapter One


My first impression of him was that he is a jerk. Yep, that's right. A jerk! He and his popular friends are laughing at a boy just about my age, with glasses and braces sitting at the farthest corner of the hallway as if to make himself invisible. He stayed there maybe trying to go unnoticed but how could it be when they wouldn't stop humiliating him? Finally, I had enough of them insulting the poor guy and just standing there doing nothing. I didn't know what possesed me to throw my book that I was reading and it him between the eyes. (Good aim right? Just kidding) He groaned and his friends stop laughing to turn and glare at me. I realized too late what I've done. I just hit a guy and a popular one at that. I was mortified and tried to run. I got only a few steps when an arm grabbed me at the waist. ''Shh, don't make this worse than it already is'', a slightly accented voice said. I tried to escape from his grip but the arm around me tightened. By that time, his friends had me surrounded. Oh shit! I'm in trouble. I mentally slapped the palm of my hand to my head wondering what I was thinking of protecting a boy against this group of seniors. ''What is your problem?!'', one of his friends yelled at me. I cringed and opened my mouth to defend myself but the one I hit with the book and holding me suddenly said, ''I got this Paul. I'll see you guys later.'' Paul, clearly not happy being dismissed, looked at me with such hate and left. I momentarily forgot the situation I'm in and let out a sigh of relief. I froze when I heard chuckling behind me. I turned to demand him to let go of me when my gaze connected with his and the words I was about to say simply vanished like thin air.

Chapter Two

To say sparks exploded when our gazes met is an understatement. Looking up into his blue eyes, the color of the carribean sea with gold flecks in them combined with long, sooty eyelashes sent a jolt within me. It felt like I was struck by lightning and my nerves tingled with awareness. What the hell? I never felt this way towards guys before. In fact, there is no chance of me

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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