Number One

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I looked around at the freshly fallen snow. Kids were skating, couples were snuggling together, and people were drinking hot chocolate. I loved winter time. It was the time I could pursue my passion, snowboarding. Even though I practiced all year, I could stay in town during the winter.
I stood on top of the mountain near the village I lived in. I lived far from Moscow but was there a lot. The cold hair brushed my long platinum blonde hair out of my face. Next to me Tanya, my best snowboarder friend, took off. What am I waiting for? I took off after. The wind made my hair fly. The crisp cold air bit at my nose as I flew down the mountain. With the Olympics in a year I had to work my hardest. I reached the bottom where Tanya was waiting for me. "Hey." I said. "Finally" she replied rolling her eyes. I rolled my eyes back at her. Laughing we walked to our cars.
At my home I sat by the window and looked out. Behind me Alexander, my older brother, sat down. "Ekatarina, what's up?" He said. I sighed. My brother with the perfect hair, and smile, the kind that makes girls swoon all over him. I was also popular in school with plenty of guys at my feet, but he was just adored. He's perfect. He's my brother though, and one of my best friends. "Just thinking." I replied. Alexander knew that wasn't true but he didn't push it.
It was time for me to rise up, up my game, and take a shot at it. During practice I beat record time, which was my time, by a landslide. Some of the girls shot dirty looks at me, guys shot flirty looks at me. I just ignored them and walked past. I went to a little coffee shop on the street. I signed some autographs and took selfies and all but it was mostly quiet. This was what I enjoyed, peace and quiet. Suddenly American champions Ashton and Ashley Smith come in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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