Falling in love - across the ocean

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Falling in love - across the ocean

This is the story of 2 young men who didn't even know they were looking for love but found it nonetheless after a long way of getting to know each other through writing and texting over a period of time before they meet for the first time.

We are currently strolling through the JFK airport in NYC. I don't know about you, but I'm looking for a nice hot cup of coffee. Oh! There is a Starbucks over there. Let's go there. Don't be shy. Hm it's crowded in line but hey, I really need a caffeine shot before we meet the two most important people of this story. One of them is already here. He's in the front of the line and orders a non-fat mocha. His name is Kurt. He's living here in New York but he's on his way to visit his family in Ohio. He's early, as always. Trust me, Kurt hates to be late. I will tell you more about him later. It's our turn now but don't lose him out of your sight. What will happen in a bit is so important for this story.

Ah! I see the other young man who I was talking about. His name is Blaine and he was here in New York to visit his brother Cooper and his best friend Wes. He's now on his way back to London. He lives there.

Let's find a table near Kurt if you want to see what will happen that is so important here. No! Not that one. This table is for Blaine. You'll see why. This table is perfect here. Let's sit down and watch.

Blaine is coming our way now and as predicted, he sits down back to back with Kurt. It's not necessary that they see each other right now. Maybe that would change the story. I can't tell, but let's watch them.

Both men are alone here. Not because they are lonely, but they both have reasons. Blaine came here alone because he broke up with his boyfriend of 3 years and wanted to be away from their shared flat - that's the term for an apartment in Britain - where Kevin is currently moving out.

Kurt on the other side doesn't want to take his boyfriend Adam back home to his family. They have been together for 4 years now and Kurt is sure that Adam loves him, but he doesn't feel the same way. Their relationship is convenient and he really likes Adam, but he's missing the butterflies and rapid heartbeats when they are together. This might sound harsh but don't judge too quickly. Adam is Kurt's first boyfriend and he hasn't experienced anything like love at first sight or mutual crushes in his teenage years. Adam was the first guy who was interested in him and Kurt is still unsure of himself and his appearance to others. But more of that later.

Do you see that they both have the same messenger bag? Yeah, that's the reason this whole thing starts. But watch. They are both nearly done with their coffees and someone is stumbling through their row and knocks the messenger bags to the floor. Both men grab the bag nearest to them and stand up to find their gates. They head in different directions and still haven't seen each other.

Hm... when will they discover that they have the wrong bag with them? Let's follow Kurt first. His flight leaves earlier.

Ok, there he is waiting for his flight to be called. He's currently playing with his phone, sending texts to different people. So he hasn't seen yet, that he has the wrong bag with him. Oh! He's getting up now and strolling towards the gate.

I think we can leave him for a moment and look what Blaine is up to.

Haha, do you see him? He's waiting by his gate and sleeping on the seat. Maybe he had a rough night with Cooper and Wes. Let's see if we will hear more of that later. Shhhh don't wake him up. The flight attendant will do that. He's not supposed to see us. I think he didn't realize the wrong bag yet either.

Back to Kurt. Come, he's already in his seat and gets comfortable. Ah! Look! He's grabbing his bag now. Do you see the surprised look on his face? The seat next to him is empty. Let's have a look what he pulls out of the bag.

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