Hawaii (Stay Awake)

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Awsten Knight had been your best friend since you were both little kids. You initially were forced to play because of family connections, but naturally became the best of friends. Awsten always had your back, and you always had his.

The only problem was, you kind of had a major crush on him and couldn't tell him at the risk of ruining your friendship. Each day, however, it was getting harder to hide your true feelings.

He wasn't making it easy either; casually throwing a "friendly" arm around you when you hung out with friends, cuddling up with you on the couch, and many other things driving you crazy.

That's why the tension in his bedroom you were currently sitting in could literally be cut with a knife. The two of you were watching TV together in his room silently. It had been like that ever since Brendon, your other friend, had to leave because he couldn't sleepover.

"Is there something on your mind, (Y/N)?" Awsten inquired, causing you to freeze. You looked over at him, blue-ish green eyes staring back at you. His blue hair was styled so perfectly, and it was taking all of your willpower not to kiss him right there.

"Why do you ask?"

"(Y/N), I know you," Awsten laughed, "I can tell when something's up with you." He was right about that, but there was no way you were about to embarrassingly blurt out your feelings.

"I guess I'm just tired." You lied and Awsten nodded his head.

"Do you just wanna turn off the TV and talk in bed?" Awsten asked. You nodded your head almost too quickly, and he got up to shut out the lights and you got under the covers with him. Sharing a bed with a friend was fine, it always had been. But Awsten was more than just a friend to you.

He turned over on his side propped up on one elbow to face you, and you did the same. You both stared at each other for a moment, not even saying a word, and he broke into a smile. Even in the dark you could see the way he's eyes lit up when he smiled; it was your favourite sight.

"Are you tired?" You asked.

"Slightly exhausted, yes," Awsten chuckled, "but I'll always stay up for my favourite person." You laughed nervously, trying to see if he meant his last statement in a less-than-friendly way. You looked over to the clock to see just how late it was. Three A.M..

"We can go to bed if you want, though," you suggested, "it's really late. I don't wanna be the reason you can't even wake up tomorrow morning."

"No, I'm staying awake for you," he insisted. You blushed, biting your lip to hide a grin threatening to grow.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" You asked, trying to continue the flow of conversation. You were also trying to not freak out over the fact that his hand was running up and down the side of your waist at a slow yet consistent pace.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we were more than friends?" He asked. You froze up, unsure of how to respond. This was unexpected.

"Are you sure you're not too tired?" You tried to joke. Awsten, however, did not seem to be joking.

"(Y/N)," Awsten whined, "why can't you feel what I feel?" You looked at his face to notice a look of sadness in his eyes, and you were confused as to why he was suddenly so upset and confused as to what the hell he was even talking about.

"Well, what are you feeling?" You inquired, his hand moving from your waist up to card through strands of your hair. Your breathing hitched as his eyes stared intently at your facial expression.

"God, (Y/N), I don't even know anymore," he sighed, "my influx of emotion's got me feeling in slow motion." If one thing was true about Awsten, it was that he truly had a way with words. That was one of the things you lov- liked about him. "Tell me, am I all too much?" He continued.

"Awsten, what are you trying to say?"

"(Y/N), I love you so much I can't stand it, and it's taking every part of me to refrain from kissing you right now." He admitted. Your eyes widened, staring in Awsten's questioning eyes.

You slowly moved your mouth closer to his, and he did the same. Your lips crashed against each other's, and you could have sworn at that moment the world exploded. You got lost in the kiss, your hands moving up to his hair and his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. Your lips moved together rhythmically, creating a perfect symphony you wished could last together. You darlingly pushed your tongue past his lips and he happily obliged, deepening the kiss.

After what felt like eternity, you finally broke apart. Awsten was smiling widely at you, and you smiled back. Your crush since forever was finally yours.

"I have a question." Awsten stated. You nodded your head, "yes?"

"Does that mean you like me back?"

You giggled, taking his lips with yours again for a shorter time this time, but nonetheless still passionate. You pulled away to still see Awsten awaiting an answer.

"Of course I do, you dork." You replied. He grinned gleefully, a blush grazing his cheeks. He intertwined your fingers with his, gripping tightly on the hand he was holding like you would just disappear if he let go. But there was no way you'd ever leave.

"I have another question." He spoke after a few seconds.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" Awsten looked up at you, hope-filled eyes staring at you. How could you say no to a face like that?

"As long as you'll be my boyfriend." You answered. Awsten laughed, relieved.

You brushed your thumb on his knuckle, knowing that now you could kiss him and hold his hand and cuddle whenever.

There was nothing better than staying awake for him.


Thanks for reading!
I hope you don't hate me for all the annoying song references
I'm super excited to write this book about my favourite blue haired boy
I didn't see a lot of Awsten imagine book on Wattpad, so I started my own
Make sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed so I know to write more!


I'll try to update every Saturday, so add this book to your library so you can get notified everytime I updated!

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