21 Questions

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Snapchat was such an amazing app sometimes.

That's what you thought, at least, ever since the hottest guy in school Awsten Knight began snapchatting you. When he added you, you almost died. Honestly, you had the biggest crush on him since you had a class together this year, and you didn't even think he knew you existed.

Awsten had been snapchatting you almost every day for the past week. He was pretty nice and cool, as you expected, but you actually had a lot in common. He loved bands and some of the same TV shows as you, and you would've never known. All the girls wanted him, and he was snapchatting you. You couldn't believe it.

You didn't tell anybody about your crush on him because your friend, Paige, had a major crush on him, too. You were almost sure the whole year that he liked her back; the whole first semester they would talk everyday in your class. But you would never admit how jealous that made you.

Right now you were with that friend at her house, bored out of your mind. You were both just on your phones doing nothing.

"I feel like Awsten doesn't like me anymore." Paige whined. You looked up quickly, unsure of how to respond.

"Why do you think that?" You asked, thinking that would be a safe question.

"He doesn't talk to me that much in class anymore." She explained.

"Oh well." You responded. You probably sounded like a shitty friend, but you didn't really want to here Paige talk about how close her and Awsten are or how they'll be "totally dating soon."

"'Oh well?'" She quoted you sarcastically.


"You know, (Y/N), just because you've never had a thing with a guy doesn't mean you have to be an asshole about me and Awsten." Paige sarcastically smiled. You scoffed in disbelief she'd even be that rude. Suddenly, you didn't feel guilty about snapchatting Awsten anymore.

"You really think you can say that to me when the only interaction you have with Awsten is talking for a few minutes a day in class when he needs homework answers?" You snapped. Paige looked back at you, astonished. You've never stood up to her before.

"More than you have!"

At that moment, a notification popped up on your phone, reading: Snapchat from Awsten Knight✌🏻. Her eyes darted down to your phone facing up on the bed as fast as yours did, and she glared at you after reading the name. You got up and grabbed your things, walking to the door of her bedroom to leave. You still had one more thing to stay to her before you left, though.

"You know, Paige, just because the crush you've been working on all year never reciprocated doesn't mean you have to be an asshole about me and Awsten."

With that, you left her house and decided to go home.


You opened Awsten's snapchat when you got home. It was a picture of him looking adorable as ever, simply captioned "hey." You snapchatted a selfie of you greeting him back, and he responded in the chat instead.

Awsten: Wanna play 21 Questions?
You: sure

You'd never actually played 21 Questions with a guy before, but the rules were fairly simple. It was like truth or dare without the dares. Easy enough.

After a minute, Awsten was typing back to you as you awaited a response.

Awsten: Okay I'll go first
Awsten: What's your favourite subject in school?

You laughed at the lame first question. You knew that's always how it started, random questions building up to what both of you really wanted to know. After a few minutes of laughably dumb questions, Awsten finally asked something interesting.

Awsten: Have you ever had a boyfriend?

You sighed, typing back. You were a bit embarrassed about never having a boyfriend before in all honesty. Paige always told you it was weird. Sure, guys had asked you out, but you never liked any of them like that.

You: no im lame lol
Awsten: Nah you're fine, I haven't had a girlfriend before

It was somewhat comforting that Awsten was basically as experienced with relationships as you were. You were honestly a bit relieved. Since Awsten just asked a real question, you thought you would as well.

You: oh haha. did you ever like paige?
Awsten: Who's Paige lmao

You couldn't help but laugh loudly at that last message. All the times Paige told you about how "obsessed" Awsten was with her were definitely a lie.

You: from english class?
Awsten: Ohh her
Awsten: Nah I just ask her for the notes sometimes

You smiled, waiting for his next question now. That was something you wanted to hear all year.

Awsten: Do you have feelings for anyone
You: yeah lol

You tried to message back casually, but your heart beat was quickening as you hesistantly asked your next question.

You: do you?
Awsten: I do :)

Your awaited his next message in anticipation, wondering if that smiley face was something you imagined or only friendly or, better yet, meant he liked you.

Awsten: My last question will bring us to 21...
Awsten: It's something I've been wanting to ask you for awhile
You: okay

Awsten opened your message as you as you sent it, and the notification "Awsten Knight✌🏻 is typing..." showed up. You didn't get a response until about five minutes, and repeatedly got the same typing notification from Awsten throughout that five minutes. Finally, "Snapchat from Awsten Knight✌🏻" popped up as a banner on your phone, and you quickly clicked on it.

Awsten: Would you like to go on a date with me?

You sat there shocked and filled with happiness, unsure of what to type back. Obviously you were going to say yes, but you wanted to make sure this was really happening. Awsten must've been watching to see when you opened it, however, because when you didn't answer for a minute, he snapchatted you again.

Awsten: I know I sound lame but you're super pretty and nice and I really like talking to you and I want to go on a date with you to see if we could take our relationship further
Awsten: Don't feel pressured to say yes just cuz you pity me rn though

You laughed, deciding to now respond to the paranoid boy.

You: i'd love to :)
Awsten: Awesome!

You laughed, unable to stop the smile on your face. Awsten snapchatted you again.

Awsten: Just to clarify the person you have feelings for is me right lol
You: you know it :)

Snapchat was by far your favourite app.


Thanks for reading!
I'm gonna update this every Friday probably so stay tuned for more
Make sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed so I know to keep reading :)
See you next Friday

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