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After a few minutes I came back down and everyone was seated.

Manuel and Karen next to each other, My mum and Aaliyah on either end and that meant there was only one space left which was next to Shawn.

I sat down and Karen complimented me.

"You look beautiful lily" Karen said.

"Thank you Karen, you all look great too" I said to them all.

Mum was finished cooking dinner and gave everyone a plate. 

While eating dinner Karen was asking me how I was and asking me questions.

"So lily, you got a boyfriend" Karen said, Shawn looked over at me waiting for my answer. I don't know why he cares so much anyway.

"Nope, as single as a Pringle" I said to her which made her laugh.

"Do you have a type of guy that you are looking for then" she asked.

"My type of guy is brunette, brown eyes, nice personality, the type of guy that will actually listen to you and not leave you" I said to her. She smiled.

"That's sweet" she said. I nodded.

Dinner was done and we all left the table as went into the
Living room.

We all spoke about stuff. It was more like my mum and Karen and Manuel and then me and Aaliyah and sort of Shawn. Shawn didn't really speak to me but to be honest I didn't really want to because he hurt me. I think he knew he has hurt me and that's why he didn't speak to me.

We decided to go upstairs but Shawn was a little not sure of weather he should follow or not.

"You can come if u want" I said. He smiled at me. I smiled back.

We went into my room and laid on my bed. Aaliyah and then me and then Shawn. We just laid there talking.

"Shawn how was your tour" I said turning around to look at him.
He could see I was hurt. Before he told me anything about the tour he said something else.

"Lily I'm so so sorry for just leaving and not telling you about the tour, but I did it because I had to, I wanted you to come with me but the guys all said you wasn't allowed to. That broke me so I distanced myself from you to try and not make it hurt anymore than it already did. I know I hurt you a lot but I just really needed to tell you what really happened. I know you probably don't want anything to do with me but I just needed to tell you that because I want my best friend back " he finished speaking and by now Aaliyah had left and gone back down stairs and he was crying.

I wiped away his tears, gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.

"It okay Shawn but your just going to have to give me time because you left me alone for 10 months and I love you for actually admitting it that you know you hurt me but I just need time to be able to trust you fully again" I said.

"I'll wait for your trust but as long as that means I can have my best friend back I'm good" he said smiling down at me.

"Okay" I said while standing up.

I stood up and get some clothes out of my closet and went to the bathroom. I heard Shawn giggle.

"What you laughing at" I said to him.

"You because your leaving your room to get changed when you could just get changed in here
Because 1 I've seen you in your underwear before and 2 if you didn't want to change in front of me you could of just said and I would of gone" he said laughing.

I laughed at what he had said because that is actually true. I came back to them bed and put the clothes at the end of the bed and I tried pulling the zip down but I couldn't.

"Shawnnnnnn" I said.

"Lilyyyyyyy" he said. We both laughed.

"Could you undo the zip please. I can't reach it" I sad walking over to him.

"Yeah sure, turn around" he said and I did and he put my hair over my shoulder so it didn't get caught in the zip.

"I turned back around and thanked him. We were standing there, the dress falling off my shoulder.

I went to the bed and got the clothes and put them on and he was laying on my bed.

"Do you wanna watch a film" I said.

"Yea sure" I said and walking over to the other side of the bed and laid down under the cover. We were finished with the film and we just sat and talked.

"So how was the tour" I said.

"It was actually really good, maybe next time you can come" he said.

"Yea I would love to" I said to him.

"So are you free tomorrow" he said.

"Yea, why" I asked.

"Because I wanted to take you out to make it up to you" he said.

"Ok where are we planning on going" I said to him.

"It's a surprise" he said smirking.

Shawn soon left and I was just laying on my bed scrolling through Twitter and Shawn tweeted.

It's good to have you back 😌💞

I thought it was sweet because I knew it was aimed at me.

I liked my phone and put it on charge and turned over and just thought about how much Shawn is trying to make this all work and he's trying to make it perfect.

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