chapter 1. 🙈The New Boy🙈

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Talluhla's  pov:
OMG IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SENIOR YEAR😄 and I'm unprepared AF ain't nobody done no holiday  homework so as usual first week back  detention but y'all now how it go already 😎#SavageLife😎. So I finally got my lazy ass outa bed and got in the shower I spent about 20 mins in there and my brother got upset and his B**ch ass be banging on the bathroom door like "lullah hurry up I'm gonna be late for school" umm do I look like I give 2 SH*TS" I got out of the shower and put on a dope outfit ( pic above ) it was now 8.10 I start 8.30 i ran downstairs grabbed a granola bar hugged my brother said by to my mum and ran through the door.


Tallulah's  pov:
It's 8.15am I'm now at school waiting for kay lazy and slow ass to arrive she's a typical girly girl and every time I ask why she took so long "you can't rush a princess you got to be fashionably late even when you ready" I didn't really eat so I went to the breakfast cafeteria to get some juice and a slice of toast then princess finally showed up "ooh the bish turned up" "calm down I'm here ain't I"  as we were begginig to gossip and chat about what we thinks gonna happen Quincy (played by Quincy brown)   walked up to me and kay they both like one another but there playing hard to get for no reason i think its cute though "hey lullah hi kay" "hi Quin" she said "wussup Quincy" I think I'm gonna leave you to love birds to it as I walked past I mumbled " *cough* yall know  you wanna F**k " and kayliegh shot me a death glare and Quincy kneed me that acctually hurt you know. I walked around for about 5 mins then the bell rang and I made my way to tutor period which is only 20 mins it's ok though our form tutor is ok she don't shout much but y'all know what teachers be like #Teachersbelike😲 I walked into class greeted everbody that I hadn't seen in what seemed like forever and sat down then miss Taylor syarted blabbing about somthing i wasnt intrested in then she said "well come on in lucas" I turned my vision and about 5 seconds after this fine ass looking boy walked in Zaaaaaaaayum he was sexy AF he was light skin big pink lips he had like black shaved sides and a curly blonde high top he looked fine " well introduce yourself"
" umm hi I'm lucas coly I'm 17 and I've just started Lakewood high school" some of the girls at the back off the class were giggling and twisting thier hair " well tell us some facts about you then" "umm well I was born in France I lived there until I was 8 years old the i moved to Texas for 2 years then we moved to San Francisco after my brother was born" a girl called zoey a school S**T put her hand up to ask a question " so can you speak french" "yeah i can fluently" one of zoey's minions emma put up her hand and asked "I have a question........... why are you do daaaaaam hot" he didn't know what to say he just stood there and blushed that girl has no shame "emma see me after class" miss Taylor said "alright buddy time" buddy time is when the new student joins and miss T picks out a name out of her name jar and whoever that person is is the new kids buddy for 2 whole weeks after that there on thier own "and lucas your buddy is going to be.............. Miss Shade i put up my hand and waved and all the girls we shooting me death glares as soon as he saw me he was just staring at me non  stop I don't even know if he blinked. The bell rang and we had all classes together accept for P.E so I showed him to put first period he was really hot I didn't know what to say I didn't want to embarrass myself as we were walking I showed him some key spots that he would need to know "so here's the boys lockeroom make sure when your in the showers or changing you check the cealing because there have  been a few incidents of students climbing through the vent and taking nude photos or half naked photos of people that like or just for plain blackmail his face went white " do you think that will happen to me" he asked "with your HOT AND MOTHUF***ING SEXY ASS SELF OHH HELL YEAH" he looked at me wait  no i thought I said it in my head but I said it out loud out SH*T he blushed bright red it was super awkward after that.

That was my first chapter hope you enjoyed it I certainly enjoyed writting it for you guys hope you all have a fantastic day today or I hope that you did have a fantastic day love all of ya

Peace✌ lovelies🔮


The New Boy (😍LUCAS COLY😍)Where stories live. Discover now