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A/N: Hi everyone! This is my first time writing anything Dan and Phil related. I've written other things before - not on this account - but never anything Phan related. I've read some - a lot - of phanfiction lately though and have gotten really inspired so I thought I'd give it a go!

This is a ONE SHOT which means the entire story is only one chapter, but it's LONG, so sit down, get some food and a snuggly blanket and prepare for FLUFF.

"Hey guys!"

Phil sat at the edge of the bed as he usually did when he filmed. A lot of the fans were still getting used to the new setting of Dan and Phil's filming. They'd gotten a house just outside of London about a year and a half prior, just before the wedding, and they obviously shared a room now. The covers on the bed were black, but the throw-pillows were a bright blue color with small hints of neon green, and a smaller blanket was folded at the end of the bed that was also green and blue, matching the pillows. Their laptops sat on a desk nearby, but most of their technology and editing equipment was in their office down the hall. The floors were hardwood, which Dan always complained were too cold, but Phil didn't mind them much. The room was also filled with some pieces of art that both Dan and Phil appreciated as well as photos of family and from the wedding.

One of their favorite pictures from the wedding, the one of their first kiss as a married couple, sat on the nightstand next to the bed and was often in shot when Dan and Phil filmed their videos for their individual channels, which their fans appreciated. The fans were a bit difficult with the whole ordeal at first. Dan and Phil had never really officially "come out", they'd just sort of...started doing all of the things that a couple does, and the fans just sort of rolled with it. Obviously there were difficulties with fans wanting a proper explanation on the relationship of their two favorite YouTubers and others saying they should just be happy and the fans should just leave the happy couple alone, which of course resulted in an Internet war amongst the two sides of the phandom - because why wouldn't it? - which resulted in Dan uploading a rather lengthy rant to Tumblr that the fans were slightly afraid would send them back to the "no-homo Howell" days, but it ended up being quite the opposite. Dan had put it simply; he and Phil had grown a lot closer and didn't really want to "come out" at first because they were nervous or scared or insecure, but somewhere down the line, they'd just sort of realized that their own happiness was what mattered most, so they didn't really need to have a proper "coming out" in their opinion, because they were will the same people; they were still the same Dan and Phil that everyone already knew and loved, just...together.

It started with them being obnoxiously close together in videos. This led to them laying on each other's shoulders or one of them putting an arm around the other for maybe half a second in videos. They eventually started holding hands and getting more cuddly with each other in videos, then one day, Dan kissed Phil's cheek during a livestream and they just decided to not have any shame anymore. That was pretty much it, basically. They were super gay in every video they did together, but other than that, they were still the same Dan and Phil. Did things change when they got engaged? Sure. Did things change when they moved to a new house after living in the same apartment for years because they wanted to have a family one day and they needed the space for it? Absolutely. The London apartment was such a well known spot for Dan and Phil's filming; leaving it was one of the hardest things they'd had to do, and the fans were sad that they were no longer seeing it...but they were still the same Dan and Phil, and getting to see them grow and progress was something that the supportive fans loved.

The wedding was live streamed - obviously - and Dan and Phil actually took a break to relax after that. They vlogged the wedding preparations and the ceremony and reception, but on their honeymoon, they didn't do any kind of "day in the life" kind of video. They just wanted to be husbands and take a break from vlogging to enjoy being in love for a week. After the honeymoon, Dan and Phil went back to being their regular selves, putting up videos on all of their channels like normal and getting settled into their new house. However, the next journey they were about to embark on was something that they definitely felt like they needed to document. The reason why they didn't vlog the honeymoon was, as mentioned, because they just wanted to spend time together being in love. They'd taken some small pictures and videos for themselves and had uploaded one or two posts to Instagram at the time, but the next adventure they were going to go on was one that was likely going to take a series of videos; it was something that really needed an explanation, and it was also something that Dan and Phil felt like could really help someone going through what they were going through if they were to document it.

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