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"I know him," I whispered, pointing to the guy in the hoodie.

"What! How? What's his name?" asked Officer Jeon, getting out his notepad before waiting for my response.

"I mean I don't actually know him but I see him all the time."

"You have at least seen his face right?"

I hesitated to remember the night we had first made eye contact.

"He is young, probably around my age if not a little older. Pale skin. Nothing too memorable," I said, trying to act nonchalant.

I hid the fact that he probably was one of the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. His features were small and delicate but held with a cold and firm glare. I shook my head at how stupid I just sounded.

"Why are you here, Officer Park?" 

I looked up and saw Sergeant Mun striding in, glaring at me with his thick eyebrows that were tinted with grey hairs. I stood up and bowed.

"That's what I asked him, sir," spoke Officer Na, opening his potty mouth as usual.

"I want to be part of this case," I began.

"Did you see anything that night?" he asked.


"Do you have any information about the victim that can help us?"

I sighed. "No."

"What were you doing during the incident?"

"Sleeping." That earned me a few sneers from the other officers in the room.

"Then I fail to see how you can help us. You are currently a road traffic officer, not a detective."

From the corner of my eyes I could see Officer Na smirking. I had to refrain from swinging my leg across his face.

Sergeant Mun went to sit at his desk. "Go to work, Jimin."

I took in a deep breath. I didn't want to mention it but I felt it was neccasary to get me to join the team again.

"Kang Junhyeok might be part of this," I said. Every head turned to look at me, confusion in all of their expressions.

"What makes you assume that?"

"I feel like he might be trying to get rid of me. This accident was probably targeted to me but they just got the wrong person."

"What a fanciful thought, why don't you go write a crime novel about it?" teased Officer Na causing some to snigger. That encouraged him to open his mouth again. "You're obsessed with trying to convict him that now you are just blaming him without any good reasoning."

"Why don't you go think about that more and come to a solid conclusion before getting too ahead of yourself," said Sergeant Mun.

"I have! That's why I'm telling you this," I exclaimed, beginning to lose my patience.

He let out a sigh, massaging his temples before looking up at me.

"Just because I only just told you doesn't mean I hadn't thought about it for a while."

He scratched the few hairs on his chin as his eyebrows knitted closer to one another. I kept my fists tightly clenched and waited for his response.

"I will let you return back to the team and then after this case you will work the rest of your road traffic patrolling hours."

I couldn't help but smile as I bowed and thanked him. Officer Jeon gave me a sneaky fist bump.

Of course, Officer Na wasn't happy about it because he was never happy about anything if it didn't include money or power. For a man obsessed with those two things he certainly had neither.

"How can you let him back so easily?" he shouted.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Officer Na," he responded calmly, pointing a finger at him to warn him. "We need his skills in the team anyways. He has done great things for the police department and before you start complaining, why don't you try working as hard as he does?"

Another victory for me, none for that slimy officer. Officer Jeon and I tried to bite back our smiles as his glare deepened due to the harsh words of Sergeant Mun.

After returning to my proper work, my next mission was to find the piano guy and get his identity. Secretly, I felt a little happy that now I finally had an excuse to talk to him without coming across as a total nutjob.

Hello, I watch you perform on the piano every night and I'm a fan!  This has now been changed to, hello, you just witnessed a murder so tell me your name and your number.

To be honest both sounded a little weird but there wasn't much I could do. This whole event was just as strange.

That night, I took the same route home. The piano at the end of the tunnel was alone, he wasn't there. I checked the time on my phone, nothing was out of the ordinary. That was the normal time he would always be there. But this time he wasn't. I patiently waited, hoping to hear the piano being played but I was accompanied with nothing but the distant traffic from the main road around the corner.

He didn't come that night. I returned the next night but once again, he never showed up.

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