Chapter 1

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It's all I can see in my darkened vision.
A woman is screaming in my ears, muted by blood and the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. I didn't think that I even still had one, but here it is, pounding like a hammer in my ears as crimson floods my mouth, lighting my eyes on fire. I want to desperately stop and scream at the mess I've made but I can't.
The taste is too overwhelming.
I can't convince myself to stop now.

"Niall!" The woman shrieks. I continue suckling on the wounded skin that I've punctured several times, blood seeping and oozing from the cut surface.

"Niall!" She repeats and I'm shut into darkness.

I wake up in darkness, gasping and panting. My skin is drenched with sweat, and my hands can't stop shaking. I run a shaking hand through my dyed hair, huffing nervously.

"Niall, you awake?" My mum asks sweetly from the bottom of the stairs. She's muffled by my closed door. I nod, flinching at the burning sunlight pouring through the crack in my dark curtains flooding the room with darkness.

"Fuck... Why're those things open?" I snap angrily, slamming them shut. My mum frowns as she enters the room.

"N.. Niall, I-"

"Don't." I silence her venomously, glaring. I swing my legs over the edge of my mattress and plant my feet firmly on the ground.

"There's tea downstairs.." She mumbles quietly as I stride past her.

"Maura, is there any biscuits left for Mitzy? She's pawing at the bowl lookin' for more!" A cheery voice giggles from the kitchen. It just irritates me more. I enter it and stop dead in my tracks.
A cheery woman around my mum' sage is bustling about in the kitchen with her back to me, giggling to herself about nothing. Her face is framed by soft wrinkles that crinkle by her eyes when she smiles.
I hate it.

"Good time to be cheery, yeah?" I snap at her and she freezes, dropping the knife and slice of bread she was buttering up. She turns to face me with a nervous, weak smile twitching across her lips.

"N.. Niall! Oh, such a lovely boy! I haven't seen you since you were a wee little boy! I-"

"Cut the bullshit. I know why you're really here, and I don't want anything you have to offer. So get the fuck out of here." I hiss, pointing to the door. She flinches at my words and a look of pain and hurt takes over her face.

"Wow. My mum told me you were an arsehole, but I didn't think you were as bad as she described you. Boy, you're much worse than I even imagined." A strong, feminine Irish accent chimes from the living room. I snap my head in that direction and see a snide brunette leaning against the doorway, arms crossed against her chest. She has cool grey eyes, rich, tanned skin, and pouty, pink lips.

"Looks can be deceiving, Patricia." I smirk, crossing my arms as well. Trish smiles at me and pads over cautiously, eyes locked on mine.

"You better apologize right fucking now before I let ye have it, Niall." She threatens in a warning tone. I laugh harshly, throwing my head back in laughter.

"What's going on?" My mum calls softly, entering the room. She studies our stances anxiously and wipes her clammy hands on the powdered apron tied around her waist.

"You want me to apologize for you two being here, annoying the shit out of me after me father's just died? You want me to apologize for being upset?" I shout at her, emotion taking over my voice.
Fuck fuck fuck....
Tears fill her eyes and her arms drop to her sides.

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