Half dead

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Rebecca's point of view
Connor was able to get Frank off of Lily. I ran over Lily she had a slow pulse was breathing so slowly. We have to call the cops she is going to die. NO Wes says screaming at me. We have to west she will die if we don't get her help.

My point of View
You could feel the panic in the air everyone rushing thinking that she's dying. Lily was not dying she was going to if she didn't get up soon. Lilo was passed out for approximately 15 minutes before she woke up.

Lily's point of view
I woke up Rebecca hug me so tight I thought she was going to kill me. I asked why I wasn't gonna happen but then I realize that I was kidnapped by Keaton
4. When Wes came over to help me get up I flinched away from him then I saw Frank in the corner I almost ran out the door Connor grab my wrists. It was morning by the time I woke up there was a knock on the door I still had duck taped around my wrist Rebecca had her hands free. Frank went and got it and it was Asher I wanted to scream for help but I knew if I did I'd probably kill me. So I just went with the flow he told us to go get up and go near the basement Asher came walking in West and Connor Grabbed Mine and Rebecca's hands and pull us downstairs. west put A handover Rebecca's mouth and holding her hands down with his other hand. Connor did the same with me but didn't have to hold my hands down because they were already taped behind my back. I tried to buy Connor's hand but by the time I got even close to doing it he had moved his hand and they were telling us up to a pole.

West Point of View
I hated seeing Rebecca like this I even hated seeing Lilly like this because she was like a little sister to me and kill me not to go over to them and untie them but I knew if I did that Anna Lise would rat me police. I thought for a minute and then Frank told all of us to go back upstairs. We went up and Anna Lise went down to talk to Lily and Rebecca. About five minutes later she came up told me to stand up and go talk to my girlfriend. I told her she didn't trust me anymore. Well then make her dammit analyst said yelling in my face. I went down Lily was on the verge of crying Rebecca was trying to comfort her but it was hard to consider their hands are tied behind their back. I went up to Rebecca she said look at what you did to me you said you love me. I still do. I told you everything about me every awful thing anyone has ever done to me but you know what you're the worst one because I didn't know I had to be afraid of you. You don't You just need to tell me what happened that night. I have told you I've told you, again and again, you don't believe me. You lied about Rudy Rebecca. Oh my God would you shut up about fucking Rudy. Not until you tell me what happened to him Rebecca tells me now. You were right I gave him PCP. But I give her something else to it's called purple x. I never took it before but I knew what it could do if you took too much. I'm going off a person I know I know I was just so scared that he was going to go talk to the police. Why were you wet Rebecca? Because of the water tank, I went up there to find Leila she was in the water tank I went in there because I heard people coming. At this point Lily was crying her eyes out I almost forgot she was there.

Hey guys after I took Rebecca's words from season one episode 15 and just put a little twist on it for it to be a little more shamanic I know there's not a cliffhanger because I hate doing cliffhangers day just make it more difficult so because then I have to go back and read the story and just so difficult for me I might not be for other writers but I just for me so thank you for reading this chapter.

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