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This is May.
Im 19 years old, an only child.
My parents had many expectations for who I wanted to become when I grow up
But the only thing that they didn't think off is me becoming a makeup artiest.
Since I was young my mother would kindly give me her makeup so I could play with it..
I didn't really think that there would be a job where I would perfect my art
I went to college at 19 but the feelings I felt where not pleasing
I tried to find related things that would make me happy with no use
I finally came clear to my mom that I wanted to drop out and thankfully...
She kicked me OUT!!
I wouldn't blame her I mean she do care about me and wants what best
But college isn't my thing
I packed my bags and went to study at a makeup school in Seoul
It was the best days in my life
I rented an apartment near the school I went to
But the owner was very strict on his payment..

One day in morning..
May: *yawn* what time is it? Shoot I need to go!!

Today was the first day for interviews me and my fellow makeup artiest are going to different companies to get a job
And being late is a big issue to begin with

May: *running out the door* 
Owner: HEY YOU!!
May: ahhh you scared me!!
Owner: when will give me last month rent?!!
May: what?! Its still 30 of November!!
Owner: I meant October!!
May: oh I didn't pay that?!
Owner: do you think Im dump!!
May:*runs away*
May: IM Sorry I promise to pay back soon!!

Its pretty scary not having enough money to pay for everything
I wondered how can a job changes everything in a person's life

May: hello..
I arrived at the building and everyone has already left
I looked around but no one was there from my friends
Looking at the office there was a man signing some papers so I decided to enter and ask him whats going on

May:hello can I come in 
Man: yes what do you need
May: Im here for available job Im a makeup artiest
Man: hmm all the jobs are taken sorry you were late..
May: WHAT!! no Im serious I need this job
Man: yeah such as the people that woke up from five to get here first
May: but.. but
Man: now If you'll excuse me I have a 20 min brake * going to the door*
May: * holds him back* NO PLEASE!!!
Man: what are you doing?!!
May: *kneels down while holding him*           IM DIYNG FROM HUNGER AND I DIDN'T PAY MY LAST MONTHS RENT PLEASE!!

May: * tears* sniff sniff
Man: here fill out this paper and ill see what to do with you..

And this lades and gentlemen how you get a job in five minutes
Well thats what I thought at first

Later on♢
May: sigh what should I eat today.. *look inside her wallet*  yep! toast it is..

The next morning..♢

May: *yawn* no one called me..
May: who's it
May: mommy he is really pissed today isn't he
Owner: open up!!! Or ill call the police
May: ookay Im out of here *packs her things*

Its a good thing I travel light otherwise it would be hard for me to sneak through the windows
I threw my bag and purse out the window
And jumped out
Two hours later I found myself walking in the park and wondering if I just became homeless
Seeing families together and laughing
Why did I drop out why did I leave mom and dad do they think of me as much as I think of them..

Bring .. bring*phone rings*
May: hello..?
Man: hey I've been trying to text you where have you been
May: well.. I cant receive text now Im homeless
Man: hah you're funny anyway I found a company that would take you in
Man: ahh yes stop screaming anyway they want to see you today if possible
May: YEAH!! Im coming
Man: okay ill send the location
May: okay!!

I was really thrilled finally Im going to become a makeup artiest!!
May: wait !! I need to see the location!! *goes to the nearest coffeeshop* Its an hour and a half away ugh!!

I went to the bus station near by
And finally I got there I went inside to the reception

May: hello um Im here for the job
Receptionist: yeah your the makeup artiest follow me..
May: okay

She was taking me to the elevator
I glanced through the door near the elevator as we were waiting
I think it was a studio room but I wasn't sure there was someone inside wearing glasses I could only see his back and ears

Receptionist: hurry come in!
May: oh sorry!!

We arrived at the top floor and she took me to an office

Receptionist: please wait here
May: ok /hmm thats a boring office/
Bang pd: hello there Im bang si hyuk and you are?
May: Im the makeup artiest may thank you for having me
Bang pd: now did anyone tell why you're here?
May: yeah for the job..?
Bang pd: yeah but its a full time job not many people take this specially artiest and..
May: thats fine ill take it!!
Bang pd: can i continue ?..
May: oh yes sorry
Bang pd: we wont be able to pay you much unless you proved yourself that you can take on the job 
May: um how much are we talking about because I need the money
Bang pd: yeah don't worry you'll get what you deserve we're not going to cut you off just be there on time even when its late
May: okay thanks again when will I start working
Bang pd: Ill call you tomorrow you can leave

May:/ah thank god now I can sleep well/thank you!!

I got out from the elevator and I heard someone playing really nice music from the same room
I wanted to glance more to see who is inside
But someone behind me ruined the sneaking 

...: excuse me...

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