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Nikki P.O.V

My heart started to sink as I processed the words that had just come out of my fathers mouth.

"How is she missing?" I asked and her parents got up from the couch.

"She's nowhere to be found. She won't answer her phone and she's not with you," Her mom told me and I nodded my head.

"Why isn't she with you right now?" My mom asked and I told her everything.

I told her that we got into a fight and she stormed off. I told them how last night she went to go sleep with some random guy. They all gave me a shocked look and my heart sunk further.

I wasn't really the type to cry, but I knew they could see that I was hurt by this news.

"So you haven't seen her at all?" Her parents asked me one last time and I shook my head.

They nodded and told me that if she calls me to let them know and I understood that. After that, they left.

I turned to my parents who were now looking at me, and I'm guessing they wanted to know why I brought Shawn into our house.

"So you did kidnap him?" My mom said jokingly, trying to bring our moods up.

"No she didn't Mrs. Edwards," Shawn told her with a small laugh.

"Oh a gentleman," my dad said and Shawn just shrugged.

"I wouldn't call myself a gentleman, but if you insist," he said and we started laughing a little bit.

The mood really was improving.

"So are you two like a thing?" My mom asked and we both looked at each other.

"Not officially, but I'm leaving for Arizona in a few days, and if it was okay, could I take your daughter on a date?" Shawn asked my parents and they were surprised.

"You're asking us for our permission?" They both asked in unison and he nodded.

"Well of course I mean, you didn't really have to do that," my mom told him.

"Well I figured it would be the gentlemanly thing to do," he said with a wink and they both laughed.

"In that case, we give you our blessing," they said and he smiled while looking down at me.

Everyone went quiet for a moment until Shawn's phone rang.

"I should probably get going, the uber is here," he told me and I nodded.

"It was nice meeting you Shawn," my parents said and bid him a farewell.

"And it was a pleasure meeting the both of you," he said and waved back.

"I'll talk to you later Nikki," he said and kissed the top of my head.

"Bye Shawn," I said as he walked out of the house.


I was laying on my bed thinking of what I was going to do. I mean, it was almost ten at night and I had school tomorrow. But I couldn't stop thinking about Shawn.

He asked if we could go on a date, and I've never been on a date before. Nor have I ever had a boyfriend. Sure, I had a boyfriend in elementary school, but those don't count.

I kept contemplating on what would happen, and tried to convince myself that I would be fine, but I didn't think that was possible. And o the plus, I had to worry about my best friend who was missing.

My parents said that I should just stay calm and tell them if she contacts me, but she hasn't. And I've been blaming myself since she's missing.

I mean, I was the last one to speak to her, and I could've stopped our fight. I knew she could handle herself, but I was just worried that something bad would have happened to her.

I decided to just get some sleep, and think about everything in the morning.


I woke up to my alarm at 6:30, and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. I saw that I had a missed message from Shawn.

'Goodnight beautiful, I'll be dreaming about you!'

I smiled and closed my phone, but I heard it buzz again. I looked to find another message.

'Rise and shine sleeping beauty! Excited for our date tonight xx.'

I smiled again and texted him back.

'Not as excited as me xo.'

I turned my phone off and got out of bed to change.


I had just pulled up to the school and got out of my car. I headed to class, and I noticed everyone staring at me.

I noticed numerous amounts of people start to give me looks. Some mad, and some sympathetic. When I would see people looking at me, they would turn to their friends and start whispering stuff to them.

I heard one girl say, "She's the one who basically left her best friend to die."

And her friend had said, "Wow, I feel bad for anyone who's friends with her."

I felt my heart start to beat faster, and my palms started to sweat. I walked at a faster pace into the girls restroom.

Might as well hide in here for the rest of the day.

Meeting You {Shawn M.}Where stories live. Discover now