Part One - Introduction.

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Hi guys! 

The other day I was doing testing at school, and we had to write about what we valued most. I was thinking, thinking.....and then it hit me! (not literally) Books! Wonderful, imaginative stories that can take you anywhere you want! It was a no-brainer! So, I wrote this first part for the test (I bet I totally aced it (: ). Show anybody who does not appreciate the wonders of literature this paragraph (and many more part to come) and I can almost guarantee and realize their mistakes. Keep cool!


The thing I value most is books. Or, to be more precise, literature.

Starting from a young age, I have read many different genres from authors across the globe. Stories about dragons, knights, awkward teenage girls, etc. But there a such a diverse range of books that it is almost impossible to find one that is not suited to your liking. Books are one of the oldest inventions of time, ever since it was created. Some hundreds of thousands of years later, they are still being enjoyed by MILLIONS of people. They are also a source of inspiration. Want to confront a bully at school? Read a book about high school nerds who defeat bullies and become heroines (no offence). Want to earn more money? Read a book about potential careers or jobs. See? The list goes on and on. Even I have been enormously inspired by literature. I have wanted to become an author since I was 4. Almost a decade later, the dream is still being chased, powered by the wonders of literature. Maybe one night you would have a scary nightmare, and need to escape from your current world. So, you pick up a book and are immediately transported to another galaxy/world/universe etc. Also, how would you even LEARN if it wasn't for books? Textbooks, class novels and workbooks are used every day (5 days a week) at school. Even if they are non-fiction.

Throughout my life I have encountered many people who say, "I hate books. All you do is sit there and read words. How boring". And I argue back, saying that books help you understand and develop your vocabulary. But they shake their heads. I feel sorry for them. They have not opened their minds to the best invention (in my opinion) in the world. Books are as just as valuable as a diamond necklace, or a sapphire brooch. One time, my brother stole one of my favourite books (that would be Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, fact fans). I yelled and screamed for him to give it back, and when he did, I was quiet and walked back to the couch to keep reading. See? Evidence. If someone stole my book collection rather than a golden tiara, I would be a lot more emotional. Which brings me to the fact that books sway and change emotions. Reading a novel about a man singing in the rain happily, it would make you feel better, and likely say something like, "Man that guy is happy. Maybe I CAN ace that math test tomorrow".

Which brings me to the conclusion of this fine article. Books are so valuable to me. They are an important part of my life. Tell anybody who hates books/literature that they should go and read one.

Amazing, right??!! I'm also going to tag some of my fellow Wattpad and real life friends:










Sorry about all the tags! Please follow me (as I am trying to get to 50 followers).

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