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As we searched for jenna we saw another old high school friend "Tayler" skylar said "Tayler?????" I said confused I looked over and saw her looking at us "skylar!!!!reagan!!!!"we hugged for like ten minutes it felt like ? "Are y'all looking for jenna the party starter" what I looked over and saw a group of people yelling party starter!!!party starter!!!! I excused myself through the crowd o people then I saw jenna shaking her bottom I was sort of embarrassed 😩 but then I started laughing at she dabbed acting like a grandma and called herself dabble master and then she fell on the floor pretending she needed life alert 🚨 I grabbed her and the crowd booed then someone through a tomato at me . Everyone got quiet as I stared at this person I immediately ran and chased them until they gave up running . I walked back to jenna and gave her we'll sort of a hug she said she didn't want tomato on her I understand.......

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