Meeting the 'Siblings'

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Poseidon Cabin

Percy lead Grey and Juvia to the cabin while talking to them. He learnt that they both could control water and Grey could turn the water into ice. It also turns out before they found out they were related in some way, Juvia had a big crush on Grey (and still does) but can't show it. Which she isn't happy about.

He also learnt about their relationship with the other new demigods. It turns out that they have all been together for a very long time. Wendy is the most recent addition, but they are all really close. They have been through a lot together too, but they won't mention any of that stuff and Percy understands.

"Well, here we are, hope you like the place," Percy told them as they made their way into the cabin.

Grey and Juvia looked around and found bunks for themselves and unpacked.

"Juvia is very grateful for what you are doing for Juvia and her friends," Juvia told Percy

"It's no problem, we do this all the time. They come to us or we find them and give them a place where they can learn and be excepted at the same time," Percy replied

They noticed that Grey had been quite and looked over at him and saw that he was asleep. They both grinned at each other and went to bed.

Apollo Cabin

Wendy and Will went through the door of the Apollo cabin and saw everyone still out of bed, mixing new remedies for injuries and other things like singing, playing an instrument or writing. They all looked up when they heard the door open and stared when they saw Will come in with a young girl and.... a cat standing on two legs.

"Hey Will, who's the girl and cat?" asked one of the Apollo campers

"This is Wendy and her cat Carla. Wendy is a new camper and will be staying with us seeing as she is our sibling. If you hadn't already figured that out," Will replied

"Nice, hey I'm Mia (Just a random demigod), so what is your strong suit, music or healing? Please don't say prophecies," Mia asked

"No to music and prophesise, I'm a healer," Wendy replied

"Nice, you will most likely be working in the infirmary then," said Will

After introductions and some questions, they all went to bed and waited for the next day.

Ares Cabin

Clarisse toke the newbies to the cabin after giving the tour. She liked Erza and Gajeel and thought they would fit in nicely with the Ares cabin. When they arrived, they heard fighting and a lot of it.

"Hey! What's going on in here I told you all to go to bed when you got ack to the cabin!?" shouted/asked Clarisse.

"Is it always like this?" asked Gajeel

"Yes. Ok Ares campers, these are new campers Erza and Gajeel. As you can tell they are Ares kids. So, make them feel welcome." shouted Clarisse

The Ares kids smiled and one of them was dumb enough to go up to Erza and try and attack her. Gajeel noticed this and stepped back, the kids looked at him confused and he just nodded towards Erza. Let's just say the person in question needs to take a trip to the medical bay. Also, Gajeel and Erza earned the respect of all the Ares kids in one night.

Athena Cabin

Annabeth watched the two girls she was taking around talked to each other and looked around. After the tour they made their way to the cabin. When they walked in they saw the rest of the Athena kids sitting around either reading, writing or just getting ready for the day ahead. They all looked up and Annabeth introduced them.

"Guys, this is Lucy and Levy. They are new campers." she said

A second after Annabeth said that, the two girls were bombarded with questions. Ranging from do you like to read? What about write? What's your favourite subjects? The two girls answered the questions with ease, they fit in perfectly with the others.

"So, do you guys have any weapons of choice?" asked Malcom

"Well, I haven't really used any weapons before, but Lucy is good with a whip," answered Levy

All the Athena kids turned towards Lucy who was looking at Levy.

"Is that true?" asked Annabeth

"Well I have used a whip before and I usually keep one on me, so I guess, yes. I'm good with a whip," she told them

"Well, we can teach you how to use a sword, bow or knife and I think we could get the Hephaestus kids to make a celestial bronze whip," said an Athena kid.

Annabeth was about to reply when the breakfast horn went off. They all filled out and made their way to breakfast.

When they arrived they sat down and waited for breakfast? Lucy and Levy were confused at first as to why they were burning their food but quickly figured it out and did the same. That couldn't be said for Natsu though, his complaining was the subject of entertainment.

"But whyyyyyyyyy?" Natsu asked?

"Because, we have to give an offering to the Gods at each meal," replied one of his 'siblings'.

They still weren't happy that he burned down their forge. Lucy looked over at Erza who was giving her the go ahead look. Lucy got up and walked towards the Heaphatus table while the test of the camp watched her. She walked right behind him as her started arguing with other campers and stood there for a good 2 minutes.

"Natsu?" she said

He froze and turned slowly to face her.

"Yes?" he replied with a shaking voice

"Why aren't you giving a sacrifice to the Gods?" Lucy asked

"Because, I want to eat the food?" Natsu replied hesitantly

"Not the right answer flame brain," commented Grey

"What did you say stripper!?" shouted/asked Natsu


"You want to go?" Natsu threw back

"No," Grey replied

"Why not? Scared?"

"Of you? No. Of the furious girls behind you? Yes,"

At this, Natsu turned and saw both Erza and Lucy looking at him with enraged expressions. He gulped and was about to say something when both girls grabbed him and dragged him off. The camp was silent apart from the sound of the girls beating Natsu.

"Uh, shouldn't we help him?" asked Percy

"If you want to get in the middle of those three, go ahead. But you will be beaten to a pulp. Trust me, Grey, Natsu and a bunch of others we know have been on the receiving side of those two girls rage. It isn't nice." Gajeel told him

The people in Fairy Tail shivered in thought of what those two girls could do together. They turned when they saw Natsu stumbling back and Lucy and Erza chatting behind him as if nothing happened.

Camp Half-Blood POV

Never get on Erza and Lucy's' bad side. Or just get them angry in general.

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