Your Salvation

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There is only one television in my house.

I’m speaking in the physical world, of course, the physical world. How could any of the other steps have any physical attributes? Below step four hundred, of course. Then they start to get mixed together to add challenge for the souls.

Since I was the first, I’ve cleared through all of the steps through four billion, two hundred seventy nine million, six hundred ninety nine thousand, and nine hundred seventy six. They never end. But at every rest stop, I always look back to step seven, the physical world. That is the only step that I don’t get hate from all of the other souls. Mutation, they call me. But on step seven, the human souls are so blinded by their bodies’ stupidity that they don’t know who I am from their other steps. Their bodies don’t have the capability to remember other steps. That’s how bonded they are to their bodies. That’s how limited humans are. Of course, other beings on Earth are terribly held back as well. Even those on other physical planets are limited as well.  I don’t particularly care for my time on step seven. I was horribly alone, the first being on Earth. Because I am, was, am the mutation, I influenced my body to mutate, and I switched from one body to another to secure life on Earth.

Yes, I was an Earthling. I wasn’t a Tanzing, or an Albling. I did go back several times to make sure that life would continue to grow on Earth. I didn’t have any desire to go onto Tanzanbrac or Albringing. All three of the planets being on completely different sides of the universe, I decided not to waste energy or time, so I moved onto step eight, the emotional world. Since this is in physical form, I cannot describe with any confidence to you what step eight is, so just move on from step seven to step eight. Don’t linger. It’s time consuming, though each soul lives forever.

I secured every step for the souls, but they continue to remain stoic when it comes to my generosity, at the best of times.

My job, my work, is to secure steps for the souls. So I only spend one period of time on each step. It’s not life on the other steps; I can’t explain it with words. But I can try, since I am the mutation. Only steps below four hundred experience life, and only steps below step eight experience taking over a body and influencing it.

It sounds awful. But don’t feel bad about yourself, little soul. Without you, that body wouldn’t be anything. It would just flake away into the wind, and die. Would you like that, little soul? Would you?

I didn’t think so.

And just so you know, there’s no such thing as heaven or hell, or an afterlife. There is just time going on and on and on and on and on and on. And so do you. It is very exhausting. But, when you take your body’s life, it is extremely selfish and cowardly. You will be forced to go again.

One way to explain the whole process is if you look at it as one of those infernal video games. If you don’t get five stars, you have to go again. And again. Until you get it right.

Believe what you want, but I didn’t make this damned universe. So the only thing I can ask about it is a question that you souls have managed to channel through the limited human body, those of you who are stuck in another animal’s body, well, no, but I can ask, why is there something rather than nothing? My only guess is that each step, each level, is for something. It’s to purify the soul’s nature. On step one, you are nothing but a Scrooge. Thank you, Charles Dickens. Your soul is a few hundred behind me. That’s saying something. I’m all alone up here in the rest stop for step 4,279,699,976. I didn’t exactly feel like writing it out.

But I digress.

He is a very famous soul.

You would know that if you weren’t on step seven.

The thing is, the human body is so limited. If you think that you're somebody special, or that the human race is superior to other species, remember step six. Or five. Or four. Or three. Or two. Or one.

 Remember that, little soul.

 In my existence, I've learned that the steps exist to wash out the soul's evilness, it's unkindness. Well, if it works, then why do I get the hate? Technically, I'm not the mutation. They are. You are. Everybody is. Except me.

You must be wondering who I am. It's not a question. I will relieve you. You know me as God.

Remember you hate me as you go pray at night, on Sundays, in a synagogue, or wherever you go to pledge your worship for the only mutated soul you are born to hate.


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