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Ethan Dolan: I'm a savage too babe😈💦

1.3k likes & 1.1 comments
@Mtoosaucy: Good I like them like that boy😩
@EthanDolan: 😲💦😏
@EthansGurl: OTP!!!😜
@SkateMaloley: Aye hop off E's dick and hop on mine @Mtoosaucy
@Mtoosaucy: No thank you, small objects are a choking hazard😳^
@SammyWilk: Damn she got you there Nate....
@GraysonDolan: 😂😂😂^^
@JackJ: Damn she got attitude
@JackGilinsky: N00ds? @mtoosaucy
@Mtoosaucy: Nooo! Your toddler is going to ask for your phone to play games and see them! She's too young you perv💀^
@EthanDolan: That's MY GIRL😘❤️
@Mtoosaucy: 😋😍
@SkateMaloley: Hmmm Group chat or nah? Cause I feel like she could roast us all😂💦

Mtoosaucy, Jack J, Jack Gilinsky, Madison Beer and 1.3 others liked this
Authors Note: Group chat or nah?😏😏

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