Life hack 1 - Pimple problems.

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We are human. We get pimples everyday! And there is nothing wrong with it, but sometimes it just gets too much, and it can be embarrassing...

You get five reasons for your skin to cause pimples, here they are:

1. You are touching your face too much. Remember, always wash your hands. Earth is full of germs! And if you touch things that are filthy, and then touch you're face, you will get a lot of pimples.

2. You are going through puberty, so there is nothing really you can do about it. But remember: To make you're pimples less, wash you're face and hands often. Remember, you sweat. And sweat causes you're pores to block, which causes pimples.

3. You've been eating too many greasy food. It's okay! Everyone likes greasy food, but just try and eat an apple or any fruit every day. And drink a lot of water! It's very good for you're skin!

4. You are too stressed. Chill out man! Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax. Watch you're favorite TV show, eat some popcorn, and just breath in, and breath out. Life is too short to be this stressed.

5. You have a bad skin. This is very common, but chill, it's okay, it won't last forever. Just daily wash your face with a good face wash.

Okay, so there you have it. Those are the five reasons you are getting pimples.

Here is a daily beauty routine, follow it, and you'll have clearer skin than a new born baby!

- Wash your face day and night with a good face wash, I prefer Isabella Garcia. If not, Dove Soap will do.

- Wash, wash wash your hands! There are dirt and germs everywhere!

- Your skin is dry! Put some moisturizer on.

- An apple a day, keeps the pimples away!

- Drink water, you're skin will be un-dehydrated.

- If you have a pimple and you seriously need it gone, put some toothpaste on it, and let it dry. Leave it on for the night. Then, wash off with warm water. You're pimple will then get smaller every day, cause the toothpaste burns the germs.

- Never wash your face with cold water, it maximizes your pores! Wash it with warm water.

And there you have it! Easy steps, for getting clearer skin! You deserve feeling beautiful, because you are!

- Zylke 💸

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