Reader x yandere Tsuna

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Tommorow was February 14th and you were excited because one of your friends said that you had an admirer and that meant that maybe this year you would be in a relationship .
"Hey (y/n) , you see that cute brunette over there?" asked one of your friends .
"You mean the one near the school gates?" you said.
"Bingo, he's your admirer ."
~ le school bell rings~
You were in class and your teacher said that you guys were gonna do a class project .
" Alrighty then, (y/n) will be working with (some cute random guy of your choice) ."
"Hai,sensei" you both said.
You both went over to your house to start on the project.
"So ______ do you have any siblings?" You asked.
"Yeah, I have a little sister and older brother " he said
" Oh , ok then , I guess we should start on the project now." you said.

~ next day (Valentines day)~
" So class ,I've graded the projects and the winners are Hana and kyoko , congratulations!"said your teacher .
~ lunch time~
"I really wanted to win ____" you said.
"If it makes you feel any better I could be your valentine."he said
" I'd like that."
Just a few seats down from where you two were sitting was a very displeased vongola boss.
"Just because she accepted you as her Valentine doesn't mean she loves you ____, i'll enforce proper punishment , my way." said Tsuna .
~Tsuna left early that day~
(In ____ sister's elementary school)
" Hey guys, you know my big brother has a crush on this girl, I think her name was (y/n) !" said ___ 's sister.
" _____ Get out of the classroom, NO TALKING!!!" said her teacher
( outside the classroom)
" Leia sensei is unfair!" said ___'s sister
" You know what else is unfair ? That someone else wants what belongs to you."
" Who are you?"
Tsuna dragged ___'s sister to her teacher's car and kicked open the door and threw ___'s sister in there and shut the door. Tsuna grinned as he saw ___'s sister suffocate in the car due to the heat of the day. What he enjoyed the most was we she used the last of her strength to claw at the windows at beg to be set free.
" B-b brother ____ help m-me!"
And that was the last thing she said as she died.
"So far the cake is done, now for the icing" and with that Tsuna went to ____ 's big brother's school.
" P-please come to the office _____'s brother , it's urgent!"said the principal over the intercom .
" T-there I called him now please don't kill me!"said the principal while Tsuna still pointed the gun at his head .
"Take a look around you, see all the people dead in the main office, you think just because your the principal you get special treatment? I think not."
"Bye now."
" Principal kurisutaru you called me urgently for wha-"___'s brother's eyes widened when he saw all the dead bodies lying around.
"What Is this !?"
" Nice to meet you , you're ___'s brother right?"
" Y-yes I mean no!"
" Big mistake."
Tsuna pulled out a butcher knife and dismembered ____'s brother .
"Now isn't this a nice sight?"Tsuna said "I just love (y/n) so much , I love her scent , her smile and everything about her!" Tsuna left the school laughing hysterically . when he reached his school's gates he noticed that there was an hour before the bell so he just set little explosive presents around the school."The icing of the cake is done, now where's _____?" he asked himself.
~bell rings ~
" Here (y/n) I got you some chocolates."said ____
" So I was thinking , would you like to have dinner at my house, you'll get to meet my family, I think you'll like my little sister a lot and my brother too."
"Sur-"you started to say but you were interrupted by Tsuna.
" I don't think she would like that , besides what family?" said Tsuna.
"And WHO are you!?" asked ____.
" (y/n) 's admirer ..... and the one who owns (y/n) 's love." said Tsuna.
"Pfft! You're funny , but seriously , you think (y/n) would like a scrawny guy like you!?"said ______
" Hey , you guys cut it out , I know it Valentines day but really you two." You said.
" I agree (y/n) let's go!" ____ grabbed your hand and started to leave when tsuna took out the butcher knife he used not too long ago and chopped off ____ 's hand off.
"Aaaaaaggghhhh!"cried ______ .
" How dare your filthy hands touch (y/n)!DIE!"cried Tsuna.
With one swift movement Tsuna decapitated ______. All the teachers and students heard the bloody scream and stared at a blood covered Tsuna.
"You all don't deserve to even look at (y/n), you all will perish as well!"cried Tsuna. He grabbed your hand and led you out of the school , far away , far enough that you guys wouldn't be affected by the explosives.
You stared at the smoke that rose up in the air, the school you attended was blown up along with your friends.
You turned around and saw Tsuna lean forward and kiss you passionately and intensely .
" Happy bloody Valentines day (y/n)!"he said"Now why don't we go to my house?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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