Update/Author's Note

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Hey guys! I feel like I haven't written anything in such a long time, also meaning an update on where I've been and why I haven't updated.

Anyways, I actually have been on wattpad just about everyday, I just haven't commented on anything or posted. I have replied to messages in the conversations tab on my profile though, as well responded to personal messages checking up on me.

I know you guys were expecting an ACTUAL update for this story, and I apologize, but I still haven't quite figured out how to start it off, and that has kind of been a huge factor, or one factor, as to why this story hasn't been updated. The last time I updated this story I said I'd be posting pretty often, but some things happened like days after posting resulting in me losing my sudden gust of inspiration. I know I continuously keep making excuses it seems like, but I really hope you guys hear me out this time around and hopefully I'll be able to follow through with my next promise.

So, for those of you who have been around since the first book started, One Thousand Miles, you all know I wrote that when I was 13 and completed it like right after my 14th birthday. Then, a few months later I began writing its sequel, which is this story. Most of it was written while I was 14 I believe, but I can't really remember because my updates for this story are SOOOOOOO spaced out. Now, back when I wrote the first book the updates were literally like a day apart, and if it wasn't two days it didn't exceeds like five days. So, there is clearly a difference here.

What I am trying to say is that I've just grown up, you know? I'm 16 now, and I've been writing on this account since I was 11, but never started OTM until I was 13. By the time I was starting the sequel, a year had gone by. I still had that drive and motivation to write it, but as time progressed my updates slowed down. To be honest, I started losing interest in writing this story because its been like 2 plus years since I've started it, and I'm just ready to move on.

BEFORE YOU GUYS GET MAD AT ME, LET ME JUST SAY I WILL NOT BE DELETING THIS STORY! It will still be posted and I will finish it, I don't know when, but I will try and write it while I am writing something else, it just will have VERY slow updates.

Now, I bet you guys are wondering what this means since I will barely be writing this story. Well, I have decided to let you guys vote on what new story you'll like to read. So here some of the ideas that have been going through my mind the past couple of months:

1. Paranormal/Mystery/Teen Fiction: After waking in the middle of the forest with only the knowledge of her name, Rowan figure out how to return home and why she was out in the middle of nowhere in the first place. Having no place to go, she meets Wyatt who takes her under his wing, and helps her find her way home, but what seems to be a normal task turns into something unreal. Questions are left needing answers as things start unraveling for Rowan, such as, what is happening to her, or what does Wyatt have to do with any of this? Life would be taking an unrealistic turn...

My Thoughts: Sorry this summary sucks, but I actually quite come up with one because I wasn't sure if I wanted to write this. I want to write something I know you guys will enjoy as well as me. If you guys choose this the story has a finished beginning and middle, but the ending is still being thought out. This story might turn into a series of three books, but I'm not too sure which is why I'm a bit iffy on writing this story after what happened with this story, OTF.

2. Romance/Teen Fiction: Sent off to live with former drug addict mother, Cass must find a way to occupy himself until graduation, so he no longer has to worry about being such a disappointment to his parents. What better way to do so with a bunch of females lining up and getting high? That is until he meets Jada, the girl he for some reason keeps going back to, while also hurting her in the process. Jada knows she shouldn't have feelings for him, but neither one of them can deny the bond the two share as they're able to share their past and present demons.

My Thoughts: I know these summaries are probably pretty vague, but I'm trying to not give anything away. Anyways, this story does have a beginning, middle, and somewhat of an ending, and I think I might have higher hopes for this story than the first. What do you guys think? Also, this one may seem cheesy, but I assure you it'll be a bit more realistic if y'all choose for me to write this one. I'm just trying to not give anything away.

3. Teen Fiction/Mystery/Thriller: Sarah is known for getting what she wants and putting others down. She has friends, a boyfriend, and titled one of the prettiest girls at her school. Her reputation means a lot to her, and she do anything to keep anyone from jeopardizing it. Literally. After filming herself nude for a mysterious man online, he threatens to send pictures to everybody if she doesn't follow his every command. She must now find out who this person is without telling anyone, while following his rules. Was there someone out to get her or was this karma?

My Thoughts: Again, sorry about these summaries, but they'll get better when I actually sit down and come up with one. Now, this storyline is very fresh so there really isn't a middle or ending, but I do like this one a lot. By the way, the first name of this character may change!

So there you guys go! Please comment your thoughts and opinions and maybe even a reason for why you choose the story you choose. And also! I made an IG account, so if you would like to stay up to date with my personal life and see what I am doing, you can follow me @bannie.k (Brianne/Annie. Get it?) I DO FOLLOW BACK!

Anyways thank you guys so much for sticking around and I hope y'all comment your thoughts! Btw, sorry if there are some errors in this! I'm typing this on my phone and on top of that this was very rushed and last minute!

Anyways, pm or comment, and don't forget to follow me both on here and IG! (:


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