Ch. 32

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We were looking all night for Athena. We cannot find her anywhere. My wolf has started to go crazy, frantically looking for her, wanting her to be in his arms.

I don't even know what happened, one moment she was in my arms and the next she was running out of the office with me yelling her name behind her. I won't stop until I find her, she is mine forever.

"Alpha come quick, we've picked up her trace she's headed deeper into the forest. I shifted into my wolf and quickly ran to catch up with my Beta John. We reached the end of the north border of my pack. The territory next to us belong to the Rochester's an enemy of ours.

"Why would mate go there? Doesn't she know we need her? We must save mate. I know mate is safe. I feel she is safe. She went through the territory undetected."

"Are you sure she is safe?"

"Yes, I know mate is safe."

"Ok good we must find another way around. Quickly we must hurry."

I quickly linked the pack that was with me. "Beta John we can't go through this territory to dangerous. We don't have enough people. We'll just have to find another way around. Let's head back to my office and we'll figure something out. The wolf says my mate is safe. We will have to turn it in for the night, the next thing in the morning we will hunt for her again. Let's go, wrap these things up. The quicker we can get to the office, the quicker we can find a way to map the lands out and get her home safe and sound."

"Yes Alpha." The wolves and I quickly retreated back into the center of our territory. We went behind the trees and sniffed out some clothes we keep hidden in the bushes. We shifted back into our human forms and headed into my office.

When we got inside I quickly lay a map out on my desk. Map was of all the surrounding territories in the country. I sat down in my chair and my beta and warriors did the same. I pointed to the map.

"This is where we are." I circled the area with my finger. "And this is where my mate is." I pointed a little further north of the Rochester's territory. "On the other side where my mate is located, is an ally of ours the Leon pack. The only problem we have he's trying to get around the Rochester's territory to get in contact with my mate."

One of my warriors spoke up. "Isn't that the territory with the missing Queen used to live? There is a legend stating that in their area there was a queen that turned to evil. She put her people in a internal sleep until she was to return. After her own people turned against her and killed her mother and father."

"Yes...yes that is where mate is. She is there. Mate is the missing Queen. Mate is located there. We must hurry and get her." My wolf responded. I nodded my head.

"My wolf seems to assume that my mate is in that territory. And that she is the missing queen. And I only hope that she has not resorted to evil. If she has I will be the one to bring her back.

My warriors and Beta nodded their heads at me. Well I only hope I will be able to bring her back if she has resorted to evil.

Either her heart or the destruction of the world continuously plays in my head.

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