Chapter 3

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We jumped, and after about five minutes, we were still jumping. What seemed like hours had passed, and the jumping continued. But it was more like floating now. We were floating down to wherever we were going. And wherever we were going was suppose to be filled with joyous bliss.

Suddenly, a ray of sun hit my eyes, and I was forced to shut my eyes from the harmful sunlight.

"You can open your eyes" he said.

I slowly opened my eyes and shielded my face from the bright sunshine. When my eyes had finally adjusted to the brightness, I looked over to the clown, but he was upside down. Everything was upside down. Baffled and confused, I looked up (although maybe, I should be saying down), and there was grass. The bright color of the green grass was astionishing. It neatly sparkled in the sunlight. The clown helped me so that way my body was facing the right way. It turned out had been the one upside down. I'm not sure how exactly I ended up that way, but somehow I did. I looked up towards the sky, and saw the bright sky. Beyond that, there was the end of the road, covered in darkness. 

This new world was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was beautiful. The sun was so luminous, with a golden hue and warm beams. A breeze came and the cool wind bit at my bare arms, asking me to come play with them. With every stroke of wind, there was a harmony that followed. The wind started to push me over to a garden that lay in the distance. Soon, I found myself running with the wind and the grass tickled my feet as I ran. 

As I came up to the garden, i felt as if I was in an oil painting. Everything was just so beautiful. I opened the gate and walked up the concrete stairs. Colors of pink, blue, yellow, red, purple, and green filled by eyes. Pollen cascaded around me, glittering in the sun's beams. I walked up to the dandelions, and chrysanthemums; the sunflowers, and the roses; the daisies, and the lillies. With every step, the flowers turned their gaze at me, and seemed to smile at me. I got closer to them, and bent down to touch the delicate petals. One of the flowers laughed. Shocked, I bent down closer, my ear nearly touching the flowers. I could hear their soft conversations, and I could see what seemed to be small nymphs using the flowers as homes.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" 

I turned around and there was the clown, standing right behind me, beaming. He still had his umbrella, but the deflated balloons were nowhere to be found. 

I laughed, "It's more than beautiful. It's everything I could have ever imagined!"

I was nearly about to cry at the beauty of this world. Everything felt so pure and clean. It was a dream come true. 

The clown guided me out of the garden, through the field of grass, and up a hill, towards a beautiful Victorian style palace, surrounded by more flowers. As I walked up the marble stairs, people greeted me, at the front entrance. There was a couple (probably in their mid-forites), a bunch of animals, maids, nurses, and a girl, that looked about my age. 

As soon as I got to the large, French doors (with a brass door knocker in the shape of a lion), the couple intertwined their arms around my body and held me in their embrace. The dogs, lions, tigers, and snakes, were all sliding and jumping all around us. The maids, nurses, and girl beamed. "We've been waiting so long for you, my dear. Welcome home," the woman said.

This could not be happening right now. Every night, since I was 6 years old, I had dreams about worlds like these. Beautiful palaces, exquisit gardens, and a loving family that accepted me into their home. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes, and cry myself back to sleep, because I knew it was all just a dream. But this . . . this is reality. I knew there had to be a reason why kept having those recurring dreams. It's because I was meant to be here; this was my destiny.

Not even questioning who they were, I let them guide me into the mansion, with the clown strolling behind us, talking to the other girl. The mansion was magnificent! I walked into a gold colored foyer with my new family. All around me, there were columns of ancient architecture, paintings on the walls, and diamond floors that shimmered with every step. 

Across the foyer, there was a double grand stairway, that I presumed led up to the bedrooms. And just beyond that, there was a ballroom, filled with intricate chandeliers and pantings upon the ceiling. It looked like an ancient cathedral. 

They led me up one of the stairs, to my room, which was bigger than my room that I had at home. The bedspread was neatly folded upon a king sized bed, and the room had french doors that opened up to a patio that overlooked the garden. The hardwood was so clean, that I could see my own reflection. And behind the bed was a beautiful headboard, made of seashells, marbles, and flowers. I could not believe my own eyes!

"Is it really all mine?" I said, hopefully.

The couple nodded and smiled at me. Once again, they embraced me and the man said, "Yes, my dear, it's all yours."

Tears exploded from my eyes, for my happiness was uncontainable. They led me to the bed, where I slowly laid down. The couple quietly left my room, leaving the door open just a crack. 

I burried my head in the pillow and screamed with excitement, through my tears. Finally, a real home. A real home, where people loved me, and where I was welcome by a real family. 

I positioned myself under what seemed like thousands and thousands of covers, with my head comfortably rested against thousands and thousands of pillows. 

I looked up at the ceiling, which had a design much like the one in the ballroom. It was too unreal to even try to describe. Intricate, cathedral-like, gold, and comely-- it was like nothing I had ever seen before. I must have been staring at that ceiling for forty-five minutes before my eyes started to feel heavy. My breathing became slower, my arms became limp, and I started to drift asleep, with the memory of my new beautiful life, in the back of my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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