Languages and Leaving

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As we venture on into the story, we find that Roy has been able to find his prince. He is staying with him since he has no place to call home. Currently, the prince is watching over him as he tries to fall asleep in a spare bedroom Edward had prepared. As Roy's eyes finally close, Ed turns off the lamp and leaves the room, closing the door shut. And this is where the story continues.

Edward walked out of the room going to his brother who was waiting for him outside the room. As the two walked down to where Ed's throne room was, he traces a finger over his mother's throne with eyes halfway closed. His brother, Alphonse, puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay brother. I know that in a few days is when... you know." Ed nodded and stared at the throne once more.
"Yeah. I know. I wish dad would at least come back to see what he's done to mom... that bastard! Where the hell did he run off to anyways?!" Ed exclaimed. Alphonse squeezed his shoulder slightly.
"Calm down Ed. Dad wasn't the cause of mom dying. It was an epidemic is all. You need to stop blaming dad for everything and accept the fact that he's not the bad guy here." Ed groaned as he shoved Al's hand off his shoulder.
"I've had enough of this useless chatter. I'm going to bed. If that guy wakes up and asks for me, go ahead and bring him to my room." Ed said walking to his room. Alphonse sighed and nodded at his command.
"Just a moment brother. You know that on that same day is when you officially become king. Have you found your queen yet?" Ed ignores him, shutting the door on him. Al groans frustratedly and goes to his room. The sound of a door closing can be heard from Roy's room.
Ed needs a queen. I'm guessing he doesn't have one. Good! All I have to do is get him to love me. I have three days. I'm sure that'll be enough time. But how am I going to do that if I can't speak?

The next day Roy waked up to see clothing laid out on the bed. He grabs the folded clothes and unfolds them to get a good look at them. He goes to the bathroom that was in his room, and changed in there. He looked at himself in the mirror, admiring his new clothes and new legs. He smiled and walked out the bathroom. He wore a dark blue shirt, dog tags, black jeans, and boots. He had gotten used to walking, having practiced late in the middle of the night. He walked down the stairs and Ed was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps. With a smile on his face and eyes halfway closed, he waited for Roy to come down. Roy saw the look in his eyes and smiled as well, as he made it down the steps.
"Good morning. You seem to have your balance now." He said with a little chuckle and nod. Roy bowed slightly and nodded.
"I'm glad to see that. Oh. I almost forgot." Roy gets out a pad of paper and a pencil.
"For you. If you ever need to talk to me. Write it down." Roy took the foreign objects and looked at them intriguingly. He only knew to write in his language. Not of the language they spoke. He could speak and understand their language, but never was able to write it down. Roy shook his head, only writing one message. He folded it and handed it to him.
ϻϒͷαϻϵῖϩrϴϒϻῠϩϯαͷϭ ῖͼϴϻϵfrϴϻϯhϵϴͼϵαͷ ῖϣαϩαϻϵrϻαῖδϦῠϯhανϵͼϴϻϵϯϴlαͷδϯϴϻϵϵϯϒϴῠ ῖδϴͷϯhανϵϻῠͼhϯῖϻϵ ῖνϵϦϵϵͷῖͷlϴνϵϣῖϯhϒϴῠfϴrϩϴlϴͷϭαͷδhϴϼϵϒϴῠͼαͷrϵϯῠrͷϯhϵfϵϵlῖͷϭϩ ῖlϴνϵϒϴῠϼrῖͷͼϵϵδϣαrδ

Not a word could be decrypted for Edward. He looked at it in confusion and shook his head.
"I'm sorry but.... I can't read this. I don't know what it says." Roy bowed his head in disappointment. Ed frowned at Roy's action, though smiled and lifted Roy's head back up using the pads of his finger to lift his head by the chin.
"Hey. There's no need to be sad. I'm sure I'll be able to read what that says. And I'll be sure to tell you when I've got it cracked. For now, have a look around the castle. I have to see the Rockbell family today and it may be some time until I come back. Just... please don't go into my mother's room. It'd be best to let her rest than to disturb her." Roy nodded thinking that she was still alive, which she wasn't.
"Thank you." Ed replied, locking eyes with Roy's, which sent Roy's heart into a flurry. Ed looked back to where Alphonse had been standing.
"Al. Let's get going. I don't want to hear madam Pinako run off her mouth if we're late. Don't want to have a headache later." Al went outside to set up the carriage as Ed started to head out.
"While I'm away, one of my guests shall keep you company. Her name is Nina and she is quite young. She'd love to play with both Al and I, so if you'd be kind enough to entertain her while we're gone. I'd appreciate that entirely." Roy nodded with a bright smile.
"Alright then. Now that everything is settled I shall be on my way. Goodbye then." Ed said with a wave, leaving the castle. Roy waved back, turning around and seeing a small girl.

"Hi! My name is Nina!" The small girl chimed. Roy waved at her, kneeling down to her height. She smiled at him, instantly earning his trust.
"What's your name mister?" She asked him. Roy opened his mouth, though nothing came out. Nina looked at him confused.
"Can you not talk?" She asked gently, Roy shaking his head in reply. She then held out her small hand, and grabbed onto Roy's pointed finger.
"My daddy taught me this. Just write it out onto my finger." Roy looked down, shaking his head.
"You can't write either? Just try your best." She chimed with a reassuring smile. Roy bit his bottom lip, attempting to write out the letters of his name. She watched as Roy traced odd letters onto her hand, feeling his skin that felt of silk. She tried to decipher it. She knew there were three letters.
"Let's see.... R...... O....... Y... Roy?" He nodded and she clapped her hands together.
"Yay! I found out your name! Well then Roy. We are going to have lots of fun! Let's go outside! My dog Alexander is out there. We can play with him. He's lots of fun!"

RoyEd~Riptide RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now