The Realm of Morpheus

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^^ R Street ^^

--- Halal's POV ---

My mind stirred, suddenly, and I found myself standing on cobbled bricks, a long and thin street with many tributaries.

"I recognize this street... this is Antalya. R Street... this was demolished almost eight years ago, how-"

"It is nice to meet you finally, Young Master Halal." A sleepy voice behind me spoke.

I whirled to face a small, thin man with dark circles under his eyes, wearing all black, but somehow not appearing dark.

"Dreams... memories... sleeping... you're Morpheus, I assume? Nice to meet you as well." I nodded.

He smiled. "Indeed, Morpheus I am. I am aware that you require my services?"

"I... was not aware... how exactly do I need you? Is someone cursed with sleep and I don't know yet?" I asked.

"Ahh, Hera didn't tell you. That's fine, I suppose. You need teachers. In your academy." He said simply.

I thought about the statement. "Ahh... you want to send teachers to me in their dreams. I take it you can make it so that they don't remember a thing until the next night?" I asked.

"Got it in one, I'm impressed! Athena didn't bless you for nothing, eh? Yes, that's exactly what I will do. Now. I'm sure you're aware such magic requires sacrifice?"

"Yes, but if you ask for one of my limbs, I swear to Hephaestus, I will smash this fragment of your mind like a gnat with my War-hammer." I grumbled.

He laughed. "No, no. I want you to retrieve something for me. It's in your realm, and I cannot reach it, obviously."

"Hmm... alright. What is it?" I asked curiously.

"The Shield of Zeus." He grinned.

"Alrighty then." I nodded, and pinched myself, waking up easily.


"You have to steal the Shield of Zeus?!?" Diana seemed appalled.

"He never said steal. I'll get it from Zeus with wits, not theft." I shrugged.

Artemis limped into the room, and gingery sat down on the soft kitchen chairs. I placed a mug of coffee in front of her, and smirked at Diana, who raised an eyebrow. "Do I want to know why you're limping, sister?"

"Hmm..." she sipped the coffee slowly, and set it down. "It seems I underestimated him. He really is the son of a god." She grumbled.

I chortled at Althea's incredulous look, and then hummed. "Now, how to get a shield from Zeus..."

"The Shield of Zeus isn't Zeus's. It's Athena's. It was originally his, but he gave it to her." Diana focused on me.

"Oh? Hmm... I see... that should be a bit easier, I think she likes me. She is my aunt, after all." I grinned, and kissed Artemis's cheek. "I'll be back, Huntress."

She swatted at me, and I laughed, leaping into the elevator shaft, teleporting into the Forge.

I walked up to Athena's unfinished statue in the Temple, and began finishing it, using my bare hands, my hammer, and a marble-spike to chisel the stone to perfection.

Once it was basically finished, I traded those tools for a rough sand-stone, and started sanding the marble down to the exact shape I wanted.


Nearly 48 hours later, I was painting molten gold onto the Ivory Giantess, creating her dress from the metal as it dried, leaving a beautiful finish on the metal as it stretched slowly, and hardened, latching onto the statue.

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