Thanks, @AShruinger

18 5 2

Probably spelled that wrong. Sorry.

This is a 'Cant't Back Out Tag.' Unless you do back out. But if you do, I think it's fair you know I have a particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you do the tag now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Well, five minutes of my life wasted typing that perfectly. Anyway, back to the tag.

You have to have 5 facts about yourself, and you can't back out. Thank AShruinger for this.

1) I was allergic to oranges for the longest time

2) The first fanfic I ever read was The Hat Fic. Thanks, sarcastic-ghost, you ruined me.

3) My first YouTuber I watched was NigaHiga, and my sister had forbidden me from watching him. She still does that, like Markiplier, JonTron, and JackSepticEye. (I still watch them, shhhhhhhh)

4) I just got an eyelash in my eye

5) I woodwork in my pajamas.

Kk, that happened. I shall tag her some victims, I mean friends.

sarcastic-ghost (This so your punishment for he Hat Fic)








Love you guys! Excuse me while I get the eyelash out of my eyes. Yes, eyes, as in both of them. Help please.

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