Chapter 1

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*rickies P.O.V*

"Move it nerd" a boy roughly shoves Me against a wall. My stuff falls out of my hands and i bend down to grab it but people kick it out of my reach. The bell rings, and as soon as everyone leaves the halls i run into another person "SHIT!" I yell as everything falls once again.

"Hey, watch it!" a voice yells

I looks up and see a boy looking at me. Not any boy the popular future alpha Jackson. 'MATE!!' My inner wolf yells in my thoughts.I was about to yell at her when I hear a growl. And I look up and sees his eyes filled with rage.

"No" he says looking at me anger radiating off of him. "I Jackson Turner Collins reject you, Amanda Ricky Jones" He says turning around and leaving.

I slump to the ground and feel confusion, I mean, I'm only 15 obviously I'm gonna look weak and small, I start to cry. I get up an walk home. "What the hell are you doing home early" My mom yells at me. "I-I wasn't feeling well" I stutter staring at the ground. "Fine go to your room but u better not make any noise while I have a nap!" She snaps at me. I nod my head and run up stairs. I cry quietly, sobbing into my pillow. 'we should leave' I look up "who was that" I say quietly 'me silly your wolf, I know you nvr noticed me before because I've only spoken once' She replies, "Oh! well.....what's your name?" 'Michaela but u can call me miki' she says in a soothing tone. 'I've been watching you for a while now and I think that maybe we should leave. it seems no would miss you' she says thoughtfully.

"Ya I guess your right my brother Curtis hates me even bough we are twins. and my mom thinks I'm pointless and dad.... well it's obvious he doesn't know I even exist to him since he ignores me.." 'So let's leave then' I nod my head but then think....
"Miki.. I'm only 15 how will I survive?"
'It's okay, you can live as a wolf, that's how many people do it when they have no actual home.' she says.
I start to pack my things thinking of what to bring. I grab a small bag and put a couple of things into it. I write a note and leave it on my bed and just before I leave I grab a locket, its a circular shape with no special design or anything just a plane circle and put it around me, it's the only thing that stretches when I shift apparently, I put it on because it the only things that Curtis has ever given to me that matters. I jump out the window and run for my life. Hoping to start a new life even if it means to be a rouge. I know it'll be better than anything I've gotten here.

-So this is my first werewolf books please leave messages and let me know what you think :p lol - Trippin_trep
Ps to those who have been reading this book since last year I advise you reread the book cuz there will be major changes.
To those who are just starting to read this book just ignore this message.

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