(name to be determined) an MLP fan fiction about my oc

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It was a clear night throughout the land of equestria, the moon shone brightly and its milky light painted all that was once vibrant shades of green hazy shades of blue that swept throughout the kingdoms. Nightmare moon was pleased with herself for bringing on this eternal with all its glory, she was so pleased in fact that it blinded from her the weariness in the eyes of her rather unfaithful subjects. She was never one of empathy, even before jealousy had poisoned her mind. In fact; she was very much stuck to the conventional ways of her time and would for years to come, these ways were quite mercifulless to say the least. But at this moment she was unaware of what would conspire in the next 24 hours. Indeed she did not know that at this very moment Celestia was plotting against her.

However, while she was entranced with the beauty of her night, a wistfulness had seeped into her mind, at first she tried to dissmiss the strange thoughts but as the night wore on, it only proceeded to bother her all the more. She came to realize how lonely she was. and how lonely she had always been since she and her sister had been declared princesses to rule over equestria. She would never fully come to realize that this loneliness would come to be part of the reason for her maddening jealousy. But indeed what nightmare moon wanted was something she know would be hard to gain, a companion of sorts, a husband? No, she would not have a king rule beside her. But perhaps a foal could do. She realized that this desire was seeping in from her old self, princess luna, whom she had tried desperately to lock up inside herself. Most of the time; her Luna side would give her no trouble, but sometimes certain thoughts would sneak up on her. And they would not cease to disturb her unless she could compromise them. This time; she took into account that if she were to have a foal, she could use her magic to turn the foal into something greater; and filled with her dark magic.

So that night, nightmare moon decided to look up spells that might be able to perform her intentions. Though e needless to say, her collection of magic books was quite small and she found no such spells within her collection. "Blast! What am I to do now?!" She paced back and forth in front of her rather disreputable book shelf trying to think of ways she could get ahold of a spell. Then something was brought to her attention, again, another thought had passed between nightmare moon and Luna. She recalled that the famous magician, starswirl the bearded, had been working on developing such a spell not long before the jealousy had begun to corrupt Luna's mind. And at this moment, she knew what she must do. "To star swirl the bearded's cottage!" And with that, she transformed into a pulsing cloud of blue mist.

Along the way there, she did a good job of concealing her presence from the royal guards that patrolled the city of canterlot. Most of its residents were sleeping. Soon she found herself at starswirl's doorstep. Gently, she used her magic to unlock the door and she slowly crept in and made her way towards starswirl's bedchamber. Carefully she opened the door to his room with her magic and when the door opened; she transformed Into her mist form, grabbed the sleeping starswirl and swooped out the door.

"What in celestia's name?!!" Clover the clever exclaimed as she was awoken from her slumber by a loud bang. As soon as she stood up; she could feel that a powerful magic; even more powerful than hers, had made it's way into the home. She gulped wondering what it could've been. But she felt the magic beginning to escape the cottage. Slowly she exited her bed chamber to go and see if starswirl had been doing some late night magic again but was bewildered to see a few overturned books and the door hanging wide open. Frightened, she went to go check on her master but discovered he was not there. She began to panic "master? Master!? Where are you?! I swear to celestia if you're pulling some sort of trick on me.." She began. But no pony replied. She ran outside to the door step to see if he was outside, only to see some royal guards galloping down the street yelling "Nightmare moon has been here!!! Beware!" It was then that clover realized what had happened. "I must tell the princess!" She whinnied and galloped towards the castle.

(This is in no way finished I know I'm a horrid writer but this has been sitting in my head forever now and I finally want to write it)

(name to be determined) an MLP fan fiction about my ocWhere stories live. Discover now