Jumin x Zen:the cat commercial

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After Zen had agreed to model for the cat commercial like he said, he begun rethinking the old role he was offered.

He would much rather have that role with echo girl than suffer an allergic reaction because of Jumin obsession with that cat Elizabeth the third. Little did zen know Jumin had that covered. He had bought Zen allergy meds for the cats. Now it was the night before he had to do the commercial and Zen was a emotional wreck. He was sad about one thing then he found another thing that just pissed him off and so on.
                       ~time skip~
                    *Jumin's POV*
Zen had looked nervous at first but he got used to the cats when we were filming the commercial,and Zen started being narcissistic again like normal,which, did not help at all. After the commercial I was surprised that Zen wasn't begging for me to get the cats off of him. He was nervous. He was fidgeting and he looked very uncomfortable. I went over to him to ask what was wrong,but before i could even open my mouth to speak, he got up and started fast-walking away from me. This got me a bit curious, why was zen acting so.. Shy? I approached him in the hallway ignoring jaehee's advice she gave me before the shooting to leave him alone. "Zen,you've been acting weird,are you alright?" He ignored me again. "Zen, are you alright?" I asked again more concerned. He ignored me again. "ZEN!" he finally turned around in shock,I guess because I never yelled at him before. "What.." He mumbled, barely audible.
"I was asking if you're alright. You've been acting weird after we finished shooting for the commercial." He stood there with an expression that resembles a deer caught in headlights. I had to admit, it was a pretty amusing expression. "Heh, so even a trust fund jerk like you can be concerned about someone other than yourself..." He chuckled nervously before clenching his teeth and digging his nails into the palm of his hand. "Come with me zen." I dragged him to my office,slammed the door shut and faced zen."Of course I can feel for other people, I'm not a robot,zen."
"Well you sure as hell act like one"
I pushed him against the wall, roughly grabbing his wrists and slamming them against the wall with him.
"Can a robot make you feel hatred like I do?" I waited for his reply. But there came no reply so I asked him again crushing his wrists with my hands making him groan in pain. "Can anyone make you feel what I make you feel,hyun?" It seems using his real name had an effect on him because he shivered as soon as his name rolled off my tounge. "N-no..." He finally replied uncertainly. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards my office. I pulled zen to the closet of my office and shut the door as quiet as I could. I heard my office door open and a familiar voice rang in my ears."I told you he wasn't here, seven." It was Yoosung and seven??!
A/n lololol no lemon yet, I have an exam tomorrow and I need to sleep ;-; I'll write the lemon tomorrow or maybe I'll write one tonight. Who knows? I'm unpredictable lmao. Bye~ ^-^

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