Yoosung x Saeran(x Seven?)

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{Photo credit:Fujofi}           
                      (No one's POV)
Yoosung had just started to fall asleep when he heard a loud crash in the kitchen. He went to see what happened, expecting to find a broken dish or dishes. But what he found was more than a broken plate or cup.
                     {Yoosung's POV}
"A broken window?" I suddenly felt a chill after realizing someone might have broken in the house.
I knew seven shouldn't have trusted me with his apartment for the night. Where did he even go?! 
Another sound interrupted my thoughts,this time it sounded like a  person,a wounded person to be exact. Did that come from seven's office?!
I rushed over to the door of sevens office and paused.
What if the person who broke in was a kidnapper or worse, a kidnapper and a murderer?!
I shook away my cowardly thoughts and turned the door knob and flinging the door open so hard I fell flat on my face. when I hit the ground I could faintly hear footsteps coming closer and closer,and my heartbeat getting faster and faster the closer they got until I passed out.
                         {Time skip}
"Ugh seriously wake up, I don't want to have to bury someone again today."
I heard a voice say. I bolted upwards and hit their forehead with mine.
my eyes focused and I saw a man with white, red-tipped short hair, and peculiar mint eyes. He also looked fairly emo.
"W-who are you?"
I said trying to mask my fear,spoiler:I  failed miserably. he stayed quiet for a minute.
"No one important."
I was puzzled.
Why would a "non-important"person BREAK into SEVEN'S house?
"Are you a murderer?!"
I practically shouted at him. He seemed surprised for a split second before he let out a low laugh.
"suuree, and you don't like seven -_-"
He said VERY sarcastically. I was a bit flustered at what he said.
"Wha-what do you mean by tha-"
He cut me off mid sentence by sweeping my bed hair out of my face,which genuinely surprised me.
"don't you really want Seven to notice you?"
I gulped nervously.
Should I tell the truth? Should I just lie to him like I do to seven and everyone else? You know what, fuck it.
I looked away from the unknown man,embarrassed I revealed my feelings to a stranger.
"I've known seven for a very long time, and I know what can make him notice you."
I instantly glowed up and looked at the stranger once again.
By now I was smiling.
He knows how seven can notice me?!
"Yes really, and all you have to do is make him jealous."
"Well its pretty easy, all you have to do is fuck me."
"F-F-FU-FU--FUCK YOU?! WHY??!!!"
"Hey,hey, don't you like seven?"
I swallowed hard and said yes
to which he replied-
"Then you have to,"
He started walking torwards me which automatically made me back up,until the point in which my back was leaning on the wall. He suddenly leaned in and whispered in my ear-
"Or else,he may never notice you."
The feeling of his breath against my ear made a shiver a bit,earning a smirk from him. He started slowly licking down my neck, causing me to let out a quiet moan and close my eyes. When he reached my collarbone he bit down hard as fuck, which in response I loudly moaned and gripped onto his shoulders, my eyes bolting open in shock.
"Its seems you really like being bitten, hm~?"
The stranger said licking up the blood from my collarbone caused by the bite.
He looked up at me, clearly not impressed. He suddenly smirked before saying-
"Then how can you explain this~?"
He grabbed the bulge in my pants and i immediately let go of him and grabed his hand trying to make him stop.
Before i could finish He started rubbing me slowly, teasing me, which I did not like. I finally gathered up the courage to talk when he suddenly picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed in the guest bedroom seven had for me. He dropped me onto the bed and crawled on top of me, licking his lips in anticipation. I shivered thinking about what he was about to do.
Will seven really notice me if I do this? i don't even know this person's name!
"W-what is your name?"
I asked him quietly,trying to distract myself from what we were about to do.
"You don't need to know that~"
                    ~Part one end~
Sorry I had to end this part so soon I'm currently at school right now lmao, and my friend made me post this chapter lol
             -updated 11/9/2017-

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