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A/N: Hello! You're probably here because you love SKAM as much as I do (Where's the season 4 trailer, am I right?!). Just so you know, the song Isak sings in this is "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's. Please listen to the song while reading, it makes it so much better. The lyrics will be bolded and italicized, so don't skip over them. Thanks for reading!


Isak was in bed with Even. Even was in bed with Isak. Neither knew in how many universes, but they knew that they were both together in this one. Isak was holding Even in his arms, one arm wrapped around Even's waist, the other on his head, the fingers silently stroking through Even's hair.

Isak was staring down at Even, eyes widening at any small movement the other boy made. It was a little over a week after their Christmas party. Even had had a manic episode the day after their Christmas Party, due to having a few drinks and smoking a small amount behind Isak's back.

The episode had been rough. Not as bad as the last one, but to a significant degree harder. Isak was by himself this time, no one to help him with Even. Sure, he had his friends. But Even wasn't close with them yet, not close enough for them to help him. So Isak was alone, left to deal with this broken boy himself.

Isak sighed, looking up at the ceiling. Even had betrayed him. He had smoked and drank behind his back, without telling him. And on top of that, Even had said some pretty hurtful things during his manic episode. Burning, bright sentences, including "You're just going to leave me! Go ahead, leave! Leave like everyone else. It'd make your father proud, that's for sure. Like father, like son. Leave me, like your dad left your mom. Go ahead, f*cker." Isak closed his eyes. He knew Even didn't mean any of it. That didn't mean the words didn't hurt, though.

Even had been heartbroken himself after his episode. Afterwards, he barely left his bed. The only exceptions being to go to the bathroom and to get water. Isak did the rest. Even was trapped, and it was burning him.

Now here they were, one boy heartbroken and betrayed, the other trapped inside of his own mind and body.

And it was 1:00 in the morning. And Isak couldn't sleep. Well, more like he wasn't going to let himself fall asleep. He had to be there for Even, to help him if he needed something.

So Isak sat like that, holding Even in his arms and stroking his hair until he felt the stirring of his boyfriend under him. Isak's attention was immediately averted to Even.

Two blue eyes stared up at him, and two green eyes stared back down. Isak ran his hand through Even's hair one more time, erasing any trace of a hairstyle.

"Hey ba-by" Isak murmured quietly. Even silently groaned, and tried closing his eyes again. Unable to fall back asleep, the bright-blue eyes were staring back up at the green ones once again.

"Having trouble sleeping?" Isak asked, leaning forward to press a small kiss to the other boy's forehead. The other boy nodded slowly, before curling into the crevice between Isak's arm and chest.

Isak nodded, before starting to hum softly. He pressed another kiss onto Even's head, before starting to slowly sing.

Hey there Delilah

What's it like in New York City?

Isak's voice was slightly raspy from the lack of sleep, but Even didn't care.

I'm a thousand miles away

But girl, tonight you look so pretty

Yes you do

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