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The wind blows and time slows/stops/and reverses to a simpler time/The gusts of wind are exchanged with the shaking of the train car under my feet/The smells of grass and woodchucks in this lonely park are replaced by the smell of your good perfume/The perfume that smells like cherryblossoms/It engulfs my senses and you wipe away any fear of a train car accident with the touch of your hand upon mine and a sly smile that could convince an atheist that they were in the hands of god/We were on our way downtown to your place of work/You saw it as a job but it was my escape route/I was tired of being home/Being overgrown/Being anywhere that wasn't with you/Mom/To this day/To this very moment/Thoughts of you manage to tango their way into my mind and start entire fiestas/You loved to dance with me/Even if it were a simple step touch/that was always enough/You taught me to dip and turn and spin/You taught me that as long as I was having fun i could always grasp a win/You taught me that money is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow/You taught me that family was the thing you needed most in life/You taught me to use my heart before all else because maybe this world is a horrible place but that's just because it hasn't been exposed to light of our love/You taught me that it was okay to lack material things as long as you had the spirit to feed your soul/You taught me how to run away from him/I'm sorry/He is not the point of this/He is not the reason i'm breathing in cherryblossoms instead of suburban parks/I'm not pouring my heart out onto this page as if it were the ink itself because of him/I'm doing this because it's been 12 days since I decided I am not coming back home and the everlasting smile that used to take up four fourths of your face is gone/But it is not gone because of me and it did not disappear over 12 days/Your light, beliefs, and character have been molding and changing for years/And it is tearing me apart/It has been tearing me apart because the woman that i spoke to on night 11 of cutting ties is not the same woman i rode on trains with 10 years ago/The woman who would give to anyone in need has died/The woman who lit up every single room she walked into with a strut and smile no longer walks the face of this planet/The woman who danced in the middle of an empty house with a heart so big that it became her metronome can no longer keep tempo/The music is fading and if you know me then you know that the day i admit any piece is coming to a stand still is the day a tiny piece of me dies as well because music/ music is whatever you want it to be/ music is individuality/music is an expression of self/Music is meant to be shared/And without my metronome/Her heart/I just can't keep a steady beat anymore/The smell of cherryblossom is being replaced by the smell of a dusty, broken, empty home/I dont hear the music stop/I feel it in my bones

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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