Part 10

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His one hand grabbed my waist and the other one slowly slide into my hair pulling me more closer than before.
Suddenly my chest got crushed against his which produced a wave of current in my veins. I inhaled sharply due to this sudden proximity which was making my heart frenzy.

"This has to be the effect of that vodka shots!" I whispered.
"Yeah.. I shouldn't have drink so much... Now my whole body is burning as someone has thrown me in the fire", I groaned internally.

"To whom are you convincing?" My inner self smirked at me to which I pinched her ass (In my imagination obviously).

It's not like that he had some kind of affect on me!
Or is it? definitely not. *fullstop*

Immediately I placed both my hands on his chest to produce some gap between us.

"You kissed me?"
He murmured so softly that I feared that was it my imagination or he spoke in real!
His lips were so close to mine that I could feel his mint-flavoured breath fanning my face.

Unfortunately I was liking the way we were standing.
His hands clutching my waist tightly, his knees touching my knees, my hands on his chest..
It appeared that I wasn't breathing oxygen, I was breathing Him.
He was all around me clouding my senses.

I hated the fact that I was kind of intimidated by him.

Having some courage, I forced my eyes to look at him.
My eyes were moving upwards so slowly that luckily I had the time to register every feature of his face in my mind.

The first thing I saw was his full defined pink lips..

~Lips so good I forget my name~

They were so soft unlike his personality.
Then I noticed his sharp jaw, so sharp that could even cut a glass.
The little beard on his face making him look even more sexy!

I wondered how it would feel when his beard will slowly graze on my skin..thighs...

Coming out of my not-so-innocent-thoughts, my eyes landed on his nose.
I wondered how it would feel when his pointed nose will be down there where I'm feeling a sudden sensation right now, telling me that I smell so good!

Wait.. what the fuck is happening to me?

I hated him for making me feel like this!

My reverie of thoughts(mainly dirty thoughts) was broken when I felt him squeezing my waist lightly.

My eyes met his and I saw a hint of amusement in them.
He smirked at me.

Okay! So he knew that he had a small effect on me..
What a egoistic Bastard.
"Small effect", my inner self smirked at me.

Gosh.. What was with everyone smirking at me!

Suddenly he came more closer erasing the minute distance between us and unfortunately I loved it.

He brought his lips near my ear.
The feel of his breathing in my ear sent a wave of shocking pleasure through my body.

"You kissed me". He spoke these 3 words and moved slightly away from me still smirking at me as such he could read my gutter mind.
I felt arrogance, chauvinism, egotism dripping from him.

I suddenly felt outraged at myself for feeling so weak under his touch.
I wasn't a girl who would fall for his charm!
I wanted to kick in his balls so badly.

"I-didn't-kiss-you," I pushed him away because being so close to him was decreasing my ability to think straight.
Yes, I couldn't kiss him first. I would never do such a thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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