MCR Interviews

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Interviewer: Okay guys these are some tough questions you up for it? 

Gerard: Go for it 

Frank: Shoot 

Interviewer: SKITTLES OR M&M's? 

Mikey: SKITTLES!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK YES SKITTLES!!!! 

Gerard: wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way. 

Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime. 

Ray: Dude no way M&M's are way better 

Frank: But they all taste the same!!!! Put some variety in your life man!!!! 

Bob: Gummy bears 

Gerard: Dumbass that wasn't one of the choices 

Bob: ...oh well it is now. 

Interviewer: Just so you know I didn't come up with this one: Which would you rather do impregnate a cow or eat road kill squirrel? 

Frank: Are there any alternate answers? 

Gerard: I'd rather eat road kill anything than get near a cow. 

Mikey: he hates cows. But seriously eating a road kill squirrel? That would be just plain weird. And disgusting. 

Gerard: Cows smell like shit. 

Frank: How about neither 

Ray: C'mon Frankie you know you wanna fuck a cow or two 


Bob: Dude impregnating a cow just means you stick 

Mikey: EEEEWWWW!!!!!KEEP IT PG-13!!!PG-13!!!!! 

Inteviewer: So what's the meanest thing your band mates have ever done to you while on tour? 

Ray: Don't even get me started the list could go on for hours. 

Gerard: Come on. You know we pick on Mikey more than anyone 

Frank: We've all had our days. 

Gerard: you guys fucked up my samich and let me eat it. 

Interviewer: I always thought it was sandwich 

Gerard: When I was little I would say samich and it just kind of stuck. 

Bob: tell Them what we did to the sandwich!!! 

Mikey: Oh God NOOO!!!!! 

Gerard: I was making a tuna and whip cream samich and I left for a second to go check on something. When I came back my samich was no longer whip cream and tuna it was a Mikey's cum and tuna samich. It was so fucking disgusting. I swear I'll get you back for that. 

Mikey: Yeah and you did. I remember this one time when you and Frankie zipped me up in a sleeping bag and dumped my in the pool at that one Sheraton hotel because I wouldn't go up to that creepy floor with you guys. 

Interviewer: What was so creepy about it? 

Gerard: There was this fucking psycho Satanists cult up there and Mikey was scared shitless. 

Ray: those guys were so cool! 

Frank: there was this one guy who was chasing us around the floor they were on and shouting at us in Latin. Or I think it was Latin. We really pissed them off. I guess he was trying to curse us or something. 

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