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Yes, I love her.
I love her a lot.

Enough to let the
tear slip out of my eye, as
I watched her retreating figure
slowly getting blurry
from the tears that filled my eyes.

I love her.
I love her enough to say yes
to her invite, knowing it would
shatter me to pieces to see her
walk down the aisle, to marry
the man that wasn't me.

I love her.
I love her enough to let her
live her life, without knowing
how I felt,

since the day we met on
this swing set when we were ten.

since we had lunch together in
gradeschool, seated together,
just her and I.

since the day I asked her out
to prom and she said yes.

since the day I danced with her
on our graduation ball, looking
deeply into her eyes, trying to
let my gaze speak for itself.

To her, I was a childhood friend.
To me, she was everything.

And so I sit
on this swing set
in my hand the invite she gave
my head down,
tears never ceasing to fall

I whisper,

"I love you.
I love you.
enough to stay,
even if you left."

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