chapter 1 the start

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y/n means your name l/n means last name (m) means mom (d) means dad. now your ready enjoy the story


: you yell and scream as your voice echos threw the empty hall lined with red lockers:



(?) huh...? hm. fine your no fun

: she picks up y/n by the collar of her uniform the girl pulls back her fist. darkness... thats all y/n can see....... :

y/n (thoughts) black. all i can see is black.. were am i?

:y/n eyes open:

y/n hello? am i in the school nurses office? :i mutter under my breath:

(nurse) oh your awake i called your mom she should be picking u up in a little bit

y/n umm thank you.. :you see the ace bandages and blood then you remember who did it to you:

(nurse) hey do you remember what happened MY 

y/n huh?

(nurse) i mean about the...

y/n oh.. no. no i dont remember anything that happened

(nurse) hm okay then

:y/n lets out a sigh of relief:

(nurse) you now.. you dont need to lie you can tell me what happened if you want to of corse you dont need to but just saying if you want  to im not trying to force

(m) oh my god your okay! :your mom runs to you and hugs you tight:

y/n hey mo-mom please stop crushing my rib cage 

(m) you look so badly hurt who did this to you

:your mom looks into your eyes and so dose the nurse waiting for the response:

(m) so..? who did it...

y/n i dont remember

(nurse) hm.

:there was a long pause your mom still staring in your eyes then the silence broke:

(nurse) miss l/n your daughter can go home with you. i already told the principal about the situation and he understands.

(m) thank you miss but what is her condition

(nurse) well when a boy found her she was knocked out. he walked into the nurses office carrying her on his back.. she woke up maybe 15 minutes ago?.. and concerning her medical condition she has a bloody gash to the head and her left arm and both legs also have the same gashes i also checked for any eternal injuries there seemed to be none.

(m) thank you for what you,v done to take care of her

(nurse) no problem im just doing my job

(m) come on lets go y/n

(nurse) bye you too hope u feel better

y/n thanks

:you and your mom walk out of the school and get in the car:

(m) when the nurse called me i had just finished making dinner so when we go home we can eat

y/n what did you make for dinner?

(m) beef stew

y/m yummy so is dad home from work yet?

(m) what time is it now?

y/n 7:36

(m) hmm then he should be home in a hour and thirty

y/n okay

(y/n thoughts) : i heard the nurse say that a guy picked me up and carried me to the nurses office... but who was it?:

(m) okay! were home :she says with a smile.. then frowns: whats wrong? is there something on your mind?

y/n oh no everythings fine 

(m) okay.. well im starving lets go!

y/n okay

:your mom puts the code in the door and you go up stairs to change clothes then you go down stairs go to the kitchen theres 2  bowls on stew on the table:

y/n looks good :you sit down and start eating: mmm and it taste good to

(m) thanks i try my best to follow the instructions just perfectly :laughs:

y/n so what happend at work today

(m) ehh not much just had to deal with stupid custumers nothing else

: time skip:

y/n well im gonna go to my room i have a few things to do

(m) okay i,ll be here watching some anime

y/n sounds good

:you walk up stairs:

y/n now to watch that new video

:you click on skydoseminecraft or adams new video the video title is i have a suprise for you guys!:

y/n i wonder what this is 

: the video:

(adam) hey guys sky here! i know what your thinking what dose the title mean?! well do i have a answer for you you get the visit the office! and meet everyone here.. for 3 weeks you can stay. how do i get there your asking? a art contest! you guys send in your art and i will hand pick a winner! now i know the odds are slim being that theres only one person that will win the contest but one of you guys will be the lucky winner. hope you have a nice day and bye guys

y/n i need to win this contest!

hey guys its the writer tom i hope u enjoyed the first part of my new story the office family and if you think that this is just going to be another cheesy fan fic YOUR WRONG! bc its going to get good soon enough. well hope you guys liked it. and the next part idk when im going to be writing it...... BUT! just keep a eye out for part 2 bc idk when im going to write it MUWHWHWHWHHHAHAHAAH idk what that was O,O yeah... bye guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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The Office Family. A original story by Tom BoltWhere stories live. Discover now