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If In band never forget your instrument
When kaiaking never forget your paddle
Don't judge others on what they can't change in 10 seconds
Live life to the fullest but don't let that kill you
If you have a crush on your friend don't say, better to have something than ruin it and have nothing
If you have braces, always brush your teeth, nobody needs to know that you had chicken strips for lunch.
Don't let your mind wander when in a class, that you have a low grade in
Always look people in the eye when talking
Don't act stupid for a date, chances are that you will only attract a stupid person.
Don't talk too much, give others a chance.
If talking to an introvert, don't expect them to suddenly become extroverted for you, and don't try to Change them.
Don't tell someone that is depressed that depression is fake, just because you haven't felt it, doesn't mean that it isn't real.
Don't tell a person of the LGBTQ+ community that they need to change, if you say that, you're the one that needs to change.
Don't tell someone with glasses that you want them, we don't care.

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