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I awoke on the cold steel bed.My head is pounding that means I must have got drunk.Shit! I'm in jail what the hell did I do this time? I let out a deep worry sigh and then sat up on the hard cold steel many call a bed."Guard!" I yelled.

"What do you want now?!"

Me shocked just a bit by her tone finally gets the words out "when I get out this shit." I ask she chuckles which makes me nervous for My life.I ain't going back to jail I refuse."When someone bails you out." shit is the first word that comes through my mind.

That means I have to call chresanto which I always dread.But the best part about it is that he can't and will never deny me. I carried his child for nine month's our daughter Sanaa Daysha August.

She is only 5 she doesn't know me much because of what I Do but one day I hope to have her to myself.After thinking to myself for a few minutes I ask the bitch if I can make a phone call.She opens my cell and let's me out.I walk towards the phones and I wait in line.As soon as I get to the front this dumb hoe jumps in front of me.

"um no bitch get your ass to the back." I say boastfully.

"who you talking to like that Yn" she replies.

Her voice is familiar no it can't be..."Kandi?." "hell yeah it's me wassup bitch." I laugh at my friend that I haven't seen in years and she gives me the proper I missed you hug.

"So what happened to your ass?"

"It was a cop in the car Yn."

"Damn baby girl."

"Yeah damn but it's all good now I'm going to get out of this hell hole in a week what about you?"

"Chresanto motherfucking August." I reply with a devilish smirk on my face

"You ain't right at all girl one day he gonna drop your ass."

"He can't he won't because I will raise all hell in the court room for Sanaa."

Kandi raises her eyebrow and mumbles under her breath "you a cold bitch." I know I'm cold hearted as hell and I'm a bitch I rather know what I am then lie to my self about it.After talking to Kandi I still push her ass to the back. I got one more person in front of me and I need to get out of here as soon as possible."Finally" I yell as the girl gets off of the phone.

I walked up to the pay phone and I dial Chresanto's number.I can feel the sweat from

the lady before me on the number keys it Must be her first time.Before I can finish my train of thought Chresanto answers.

"Yn what the hell you want know." he said with a loud growl

"I need you come bail me out." I reply with much attitude

He sighs and then say's "what jail?"

"the one on 27th street"

"I'll be there after I pick Sanaa up."

I smiles brightly at the sound of her name "Sanaa! I'm gonna see Sanaa."

"Look don't get all excited I just don't have a babysitter today."

"what the fuck ever chresanto." I hang up after that note and walk back to my cell.I lay down and and I close my eyes and start thinking about what Sanaa must look like and soon fall in a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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