Chapter 7: Weeds? Seriously?

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I needed to find a rock. A rock. Made by an old guy. I suppose it was a huge insult to my family. But why a rock? And where would a rock be hidden? Ugh! I'm getting off track. I'm in the library, reading up as much as I can about Nicholas Flammel and this 'philosophers stone'. The golden trio has been in here a lot as well, but I didn't think much of it, we were getting lots of homework recently. They kept glancing at me and the books I was reading. I had asked flitwick for a spell to turn texts to a different language. I chuckled remembering the encounter.

I was struggling to find a spell to change languages or fix dyslexia since there was no way I was going to the hospital wing. I had suddenly struck an idea and hoped it would work. After all my classes were done, during dinner, I didn't see flitwick at the teachers table so I assumed he was still in his classroom. I walked in, silently, as I never make any noise, as silent as shadows. The professor was standing next to a stack of books, trying to organize them. He had his back turned so he couldn't see me.

"Professor." I say, startling him.

"Mr. di Angelo! Er, how may I be of assistance?" I could tell he was nervous around me. Almost everyone was. I chuckled.

"I was wondering if you knew a spell to change the language of  books and other pieces of text." I explained, only half hoping.

Flitwick's face brightened. "Of course, of course! All you have to do is tap the piece of text and say, 'scriptum est' and then the language you want."

I think, that might work. Maybe. I pull out a small book from my robes. It is in English.

"Scriptum est Ancient Greek." I smile as the words stop floating around and settle on the page as letters I can understand. "Thank you professor."

"You're welcome Nico! If you need a spell again, don't hesitate to ask!"

I'm startled out of my daydreams by none other than the golden trio.

"Hey Nico! What language is that?" Hermoine asks. I smile, not fully though. I haven't fully smiled since Bianca... Bianca died. This makes my smile laced with sadness and a bit scary, or so I've been told.

"It's Greek. What are you guys reading about so much? I know we have a lot of homework, but still, to manage to get those two down here it must have been important." Harry and Ron look offended. But Hermoine decided to answer.

"Nico, can you keep a secret?" She asked.

"Whats makes you doubt I can?"

"Good enough. Anyway, there is a super powerful object that we're trying to stop Snape from getting. It's called the philosophers stone, and it gives the user-"

"Immortality." I cut her off. "And?"

She looks shocked. "How'd you know that?"

"I know things. Don't look so surprised."

"Ahem, ok then. Right. Well, we want to find it and protect it so Snape can't get it. Want to help?"

I ponder this. Four people doing research means four times the efficiency. "Ok, I agree to help you. I know that it creates the elixir of life, and was made by a man named Nicolas Flammel."

We spend the rest of the day reading to no avail. We haven't found out anything new. Before long it's past curfew so we split up and go to our dorms.

I can't sleep. I keep thinking about the philosophers stone, and any suspicious places where it could be. I stop short. The thrid floor corridor on the right hand side. That must be where it is! I quickly run up the stairs, skipping the fake steps. I run down the corridor and unlock the door at the end. I walk through the doorway and hear a growl. I slowly turn around to see... Cerberus. No, not Cerberus. A cousin of Cerberus, a smaller, lesser version of the dog of the underworld. The dog sees who I am and sits up straight. I spot a trap door at his feet and walk towards it, the dog growls at me but immediately stops when I glance at it. It must be trained to protect the door. I open the door and drop down. Yes, I know, in retrospect it was a horrible idea. But I didn't care. I fell into a pile of... weeds? Seriously? Plants hate me. They start to constrict me like a snake, and I start panicking. Calm down Nico, you can do this. I wonder if I can shadow travel here? It's dark enough. I concentrate on my dorm, certain that the others will be asleep. The air grows cold, the shadows darken, and I'm pulled through them, appearing in my dorm. So I can shadow travel out if I need, good to know.

WOOOO! UPDATE! Sorry for taking so long my little matchsticks. Blue cookies all around for patience! (::) (::) (::)


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