Chapter 13: Lady Helena

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Roman's brow furrowed as he cocked his head to the side. "Of course I know her." He glanced around at their surprised faces. "What?"

"You never told us you knew the woman in charge of the Militia," Noelle said, stacking her hands on her hips. 

"You never asked. You never asked me anything except how I knew Lee." Roman glanced back at Helena. "Lady Helena - "

"Was his mother's employer," Helena finished with a soft smile. "In Osha, before everything went south with the royals. Pauline worked for me in the palace where I lived as Tarvril's mistress."

Chuck, one of the men they'd saved along with Abigail, snorted, his smile faltering when Helena turned her attention on him. 

"I was younger then," she said with an arched brow. "I've dealt with my fair share of stress in the years since Tarvril was murdered. Besides," her eyes glittered as she smirked over at Finny, "some men like an older woman."

"You lied to us," Noelle snapped, glaring at Roman. 

"When did I lie?" Roman asked, lips pursing. "We've been traveling together for ages and you never once asked me more about myself than that one time in the woods. You didn't ask me about how my mother died after we ran into Lee. You didn't ask me what happened to my father. The only thing you ever cared about was how I could be useful to you. I'm sorry, Noelle, if I've disappointed you."

Noelle opened her mouth, closed it again, and turned to Phoenix. Phoenix focused on Roman. She didn't need any of her giftings to see the hurt in his eyes. Had she ever really taken the time to learn anything about him? To find out where he came from?

No. While she hid herself, she blocked out others - something Eric had grown to be quite adept at.

She didn't want to be like her brother. Not that way.

"You should have told us," Maverick said, his voice quiet as he looked at Roman. "You should have told us everything."

Roman's expression shifted from hurt to shame, and he dropped his gaze, nodding. Helena watched the exchange, her curiosity palpable. 

"You defend yourself to her, but not him?" She gestured from Noelle to Maverick. "I know you to be respectful, Roman, but this reaction..." Helena stepped past Roman, her eyes on Maverick. "This denotes, dare I say, deference?"

Maverick said nothing, watching Helena as she drew closer. The older woman reached up stopping her hand just an inch away from his face, her eyes fixated on his.

"I can see it. You have the Tremaine brow, the eyes. You must be him."

Over Helena's shoulder, Finny rolled her eyes. "Stop the dramatics, of course it's him. Did I not say when I left 'I'm going to meet Maverick and bring him back'?  You know exactly who he is." 

Helena dropped her hand, shooting a glare over at Finny. "I knew one of them was him, but I didn't know which."

"Please - the giant is blond. Obviously not a Tremaine." Finny pointed at Youlden. "And those two are too old." She waved her hand toward Chuck and Victor. "You're fanfare is boring me, Helena. Get started or be gone, I don't have time for your nonsense." 

Mygel sucked in a breath at Finny's harsh tone, but Helena didn't seem to notice. She pursed her lips and nodded.

"You have a point." Turning back to Maverick, she shrugged. "I've always been a fan of the dramatic. Welcome, Maverick Knight - heir to the throne of Braskey."

"As long as we can prove there aren't other heirs who have a more immediate right," Mygel added, her smile bright. 

"There's rumor Bainon has a son," Helena said with a nod. "He's--"

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