For Me (alt. end)

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He looked at you, looked at your radiance, looked at your beaming smile as he complimented your cooking. He looked at you with caring and loving eyes, just not the kind of love that you had thought. He didn't know when he fell out of love for you, but looking at you now he felt guilty for keeping you at his side when you could be out there looking for someone who could truly love you.

You looked at him, looked at his tired eyes, looked at his forced smile as he complimented your cooking. You looked at him with caring and loving eyes, the kind of love that you wanted him to have. You didn't know when he fell out of love for you, but looking at him now you felt like you didn't want to let him go even if he didn't truly love you.


People pitied you. You lost your parents at a young age, and with no relatives to take you in you were forced into foster care. You had a good childhood, each your foster parents were decent and the environments were great, but it always changed. You always had to move because nobody adopted you, not even any of your foster parents would adopt you and there was a good reason for that.

It was around the fifth time you switched families when you met him. You were in high school at the time. In fact, you had transferred during your last year which made making friends a tad bit difficult. By then, many of the students formed their own little cliques and there was no room for you. Every day you'd eat lunch by yourself outside in the back of the school. It was the same thing day in and day out. You'd always be alone.

That was until one day when he came up to you,

"You're Y/N, right? The transfer student?" You looked up at the boy who approached you. His dark hair was a bit messy, his sleeves were rolled up, and his shirt was littered with paint stains. The art students always left their paintings out in the back to dry.


"Ahh, I'm Jeon Jungkook. We're in the same homeroom, but I don't think I've ever introduced myself." He held out his hand for you to shake. Even if his hand was splattered with paint, you shook it. Who knew that one handshake would lead up to a friendship of two years and a relationship of three.

"Wow, Y/N this tastes amazing!" He munched on the dinner you had made for the two of you. You could tell that there was some strain behind his voice.

Jungkook had been this way for the past year. He rarely ever kissed you, hugged you, or call you jagi. Instead of spending the night at your place, he slept over at the dorms all the time. On the few occasions when he did come over, you two only made small talk.

"So how are the boys?"

"Yeah, they're good. We're just know...with music and stuff..."

"Oh...okay. Um, are you free this Friday? I was thinking maybe we could go on a date or..."

"Y/N," Jungkook put down his chopsticks and looked you straight in the eye, "I need to talk to you about something."

You felt your stomach drop, "About what?"

You knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. Going behind Jungkook's back was terrible, but you had Jimin fill you in on his whereabouts. You didn't ask him to do it because you didn't trust Jungkook, you asked because Jungkook never told you anything about him or his life anymore. Mostly, Jimin had told you about a new stylist flirting with Jungkook...and about how he flirted back.

"I think..." No, don't say it. Please don't say it, "I think I found someone else." Just like that, your whole world shattered into a billion pieces.

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