Part 12: Isla de Monzón

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 As I left the sight of the steaming pile of entrails, I decided to head towards the ocean instead of going back towards where I came from. So I went the exact opposite direction of the way I had come from. I would hit ocean eventually. I was at first discouraged, but was determined to leave that island. After a few hours I reached a cove. I heard a little bit about a cove back at Warrington. Inside the cove I found a little dingy.

The trip to the island across the way was unusually calm. That ocean was known for horrors lurking in it's depths. When I arrived onshore, it was quiet. I began to stroll towards the dying treeline, when a group of pirates ambushed me. I had only enough time to pull out my sword, before I was surrounded. I still had a single phial of Blinding Light on my person. This was an emergency situation, so I broke it on one of the pirates skulls. The light came pouring out, like the sun had just been released from a cage. I had run out of there, farther towards what was unbeknownst to me a hideout.

I got away from my blind pursuers, and into the bushes. I found the hideout, with one of the biggest ships I'd ever seen. I determined that that was my best way out. I had no idea how I was going to do it though. I hatched a plan, take out the captain, and rally the mutineers. The others would be drowned, or hanged. I had to sneak up to the top of the ship without being noticed though, which was the hardest part. I had reached the captain's cabin, when I realised how dark it was inside. I looked in the chair, and I found none other than Kiirion.

Kiirion of all people. I could easily take her in a fight when she was mortal, but now, not nearly as effortlessly. I knew a vampire's weakness, I've had to deal with my fair share of them when squatting in Southwold. She noticed me and hissed "Zaor! What in Temir's name are you doing here?!" I simply replied with, "Destroying one more vile creature."

We grappled each other, when I realised she'd bit me. She spat and she smoked. "Who are you!" she coughed.

I suddenly bit her, and rend her throat to shreds. I had no control over this and I am now, curious as to why I had such an animalistic reaction at that point. She was what I thought to be dead so I tossed her off of the ship onto the sand. I rallied the mutineers, who were happy to have a flesh and blood captain for once. The loyalists were left with Kiirion's body. We sailed off, not knowing where to go, the old first mate suggested we go to Isla del Monzón, the supply base for the pirates. I agreed so we did. The crew loaded up supplies and left.

I needed to get back to somewhere less evil, but the evil grew onto me. So we decided to stay in the seas around Atharia. Conducting raids every now and again for about a year, before they got bored of me and marooned me on the island where the Loyalists, were. But about a month prior we had the biggest take the crew had ever gotten.

It was off of the port town of Warrington. With no hive mind to control them, they had no idea how to defend themselves or hide anything properly. So we strolled right into the town treasury and took anything we fancied. Which was everything. We took the women, and the children. The rum was gone by the time we were gone, same with every other alcoholic beverage except the red drink, I told them to leave it there. The women, now whores, and the children now deckhands and powder monkeys, never really knew a life outside of the hive mind and the ship. It was almost pitiful.  

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