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((This isn't exactly a fear, but something I'm self-conscious about with my body that isn't spoken enough about and that I'm afraid will be seen in a bad way one day by someone I love))

     No. No. Not this one either. Gosh, all these gorgeous dresses and all of them just made you want to cry. Why did you have to be given wonky hips?
     It wasn't always an imperfection to you. To you, it hadn't been something you'd noticed. Still, subconsciously, you still hadn't liked it. But then it was pointed out one day, and now here you were, trying to find a dress for a date with your boyfriend and all of them pointed out the m-like shape your hips and waist made.
     Taking another deep breath in and out to calm yourself down and keep your makeup from being ruined by tears, you kept looking. Soon, you saw it. The perfect dress.
     A knee-length (favorite color) dress that was sleeveless and still held on to your chest perfectly. The best part was that it fell perfectly so it didn't show your hips. A smile lit up on your face and a new confidence burst throughout you.

     Tom Hiddleston, your absolutely dreamy and hand-chiseled boyfriend, and you had decided to have a nice calm cafe date and then go for a small walk.
     The cafe was pleasant. The atmosphere had been welcoming and calming and guided along the conversation that went on between you.
     The walk, however, caught you off guard. Tom tried slipping his arm around your waist like a sweet date, but out of fear of him feeling your weird hips, you jumped and pulled away. Of course, he stopped walking and looked at you with concern and worry.
     "Darling, are you alright? Did I pinch you by accident?" he asked, looking you over with care. His caring gaze only made you tense up more with discomfort. "Is something else wrong?"
     You bit you lip, eyes downcast as you fought the internal battle with yourself of whether to tell him or not what was really bothering you. Soon, a couple tears started running down your cheeks, carrying mascara and eyeliner with them.
     "I-I don't want you to leave me be-be-because I'm not pretty a-and I know I'm not, and I have a weird thing with my hips and waist where they go out and come back in and then go out again and it just doesn't look right, and I-I just didn't want you to feel that because I didn't want you to feel how deformed and weird I am," you stuttered and sniffled out, holding back quiet sobs by the end of it.
     Tom looked absolutely heartbroken. He couldn't believe those silly tabloids and hourglass figures got to you.
     "Darling, shh, it's alright," he cooed, wrapping his strong arms around you and pulling him close to you in a hug. He stroked your hair and rubbed your back as you calmed down, leaving soft kisses on your head every now and then. "You're not ugly just because your hips are a little different from any other woman's. All women come in all different shapes and sizes, and it's okay to be a little self-conscious, but I'm not going to leave you over something as silly as that. You're beautiful in your own way! You don't have to be scared about that, not with me. If any man leaves you just because you're not the photoshopped porn mag model figure, then they never deserved your beautiful hips and curves."
     He pulled you away from his chest slightly, cupping your cheeks and using his thumbs to wipe your cheeks of tears.
     "You are gorgeous and your hips should never make you afraid of me putting my arm around you or you wearing whatever you want to wear or anything. They're perfect," he stated firmly. "Right?"
     You nodded a little. He offered a sweet smile, kissing your cheek. He took his hands away and made a movement of putting them down by your waist.
     "May I?"
     With a hesitant nod, he gently laid his hands on your waist and felt for himself the hip divot that made you so worried. He smiled as he felt it for a moment.
     "It feels adorable," he told you, but said it in such a goofy way that it caused you to giggle.
     Maybe you didn't need to have a fear of your hips around him after all. It's a part of you, and it's beautiful.

Tom Hiddleston: Imagines About FearWhere stories live. Discover now