A Sunset To Die For

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All you could think about was to finally be back at home. The teams mission was a disaster, your teammate Yoru had died, and you had a sneaking suspicion that your captain, Shuu, had it out for you. The two of you  had never gotten along well, but it had gotten worse since accidentally lighting him on fire while making breakfast last week. He insisted that it was on purpose, and had been assigning you to the more dangerous tasks. You longed for the safety promised by the huge walls that surrounded one of the few cities still inhabited.

 "Only three more miles until we make it to base," Yuki exclaimed excitedly, as she tried to cheer everyone up. Your urge to groan at this attempt to increase morale was quelled by a look over at your best friend, who was rolling his eyes. Sakuya glanced at you, smiled, and shook his head in disbelief at your teammate's undying optimism. "Well, at least this sunset is worth being out of the city for." He was right, the way pink and orange clouds hung in the sky was breath-taking against the ruined city that you were leaving. 'Those were the two of the only reasons I want to be alive,' you thought 'for him and the sky.' You sighed again, happily this time, and turned your gaze back to him. His smile suddenly disappeared as he drew his sword. "Looks like we have company!" he yelled as he pointed his blade into the alley beside you. 

You turned to see two vampire nobles, both female. The shorter female had short, fluffy purple hair, held a whip in one hand, and was waving at your group enthusiastically. The other was a taller blonde, armed with a sword and an almost polite smile. You blink, and their gone. A scream followed by the clashing of steel informed you that they were attacking your team. The smaller vampire was feeding off of Yuki, while Sakuya was doing his best to fend off the blonde. You ran to help Sakuya, drawing your weapon, just to feel something pull it out of your hand. You turn to see your weapon clatter away as the purple-haired female's whip cracked back towards you. You duck, barely avoiding it as she smiled happily, her face covered in blood. Near her feet was Yuki's dead body. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the blonde now fighting Shuu. Where was Sakuya? The slight distraction of that thought let the small vampire get much to close. You only noticed her when she was a foot away, her arms reaching out for you. 

You were pushed out of the way by Sakuya, who was still armed, but in bad shape. There were several deep cuts on both of his arms, and a few scrapes on his face. He engaged the vampire who was in front of you. She pulled her whip back off her waist, but your best friend managed to knock it out of her hands. A look of irritation flashed across her face as she slapped him hard enough to send him flying. When he hit the wall, part of a broken pipe impaled his chest. The blonde was holding Shuu on the ground, draining him. You felt like a coward, but you knew you had to leave.

You ran past the now unarmed purple-haired vampire, and into the open doorway behind her. You race up the stairs to the second floor, just trying to put some distance between you and the vampires. Glancing back, you notice she isn't following you. Slightly suspicious, you continue down the hall way, and decide to enter the room with the most sturdy looking door. You throw it open, and turn quickly to pull it shut with a loud thud. You twist the deadbolt, knowing it would only protect you for a second or two, should the female vampires change their minds on pursuing you. You take a few steps back, and let out a small breath of relief. You were safe, if only for a few minutes.  

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