It's Not Delivery

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Crowley looked up from the reports he had been shuffling through, slightly distracted by the fight outside between Chess, Horns, and a group of livestock soldiers that wandered too close to their temporary base. He hoped that his maids would bring him a snack, but chances were that Chess would kill them all again. So, seeing as he refused to drink dead blood, he would have to wait... When through his door came a rather desperate lamb who seemed to think she had escaped. She shut and locked the door, and Crowley smiled at the irony of the situation as she backed up unknowingly towards him. "Good evening little one," he , licking his lips at her. She spun to face him, answering him with a little squeak. She ran back to the door, and tried to yank it open, forgetting in her haste that she had just locked it.

Your delusional feeling of safety was shattered when a deep voice coming from behind you wished you a good evening. You face the voice, and see a handsome male vampire seated at a desk with his legs up on a desk. His was smiling, showing off a very sharp looking pair of fangs. You squeak at the sight, and hated yourself for making such a noise. You rush to the door again, hoping to get back downstairs again and reclaim your weapon. But the door was locked. You groaned at your own stupidity, as a set of huge, gloved hands captured your wrists. Your arms were pulled out straight, and the vampire pushed you none to gently into the door you had locked a mere minute ago. He nudged your head to the side with his, getting better access to your neck. You pull against his hands, and try to kick back at him. The only thing your efforts were rewarded with was a soft chuckle from your captor. "Now, now, you silly little lamb. You came into my room uninvited. Do you really think I am going to just  let you leave?" the vampire cooed in you ear. He nibbled on your neck, just barely scraping you with his fangs, teasing you since you were helpless to stop him. He stopped when the door handle jiggled. Then whoever was on the other side kicked in the door, knocking you and him to the ground. 

"Crowley-sama?" inquired Chess, looking into the room, confused that her Lord wasn't at his desk. She was horrified when she glanced down, seeing  Crowley on the ground pushing the ruined door off of him and the unconscious livestock that was laid on top of him . Both him and the girl were covered in splinters and cuts.  He stood up, holding this snack in one arm, and began to brush himself off with his free hand. "Well Chess, I would love to hear why you thought that kicking in my door was a good idea." Chess couldn't tell if he was angry or amused (it was both). Chess attempted to answer"Ummm, I was worried she was attacking you, so I..." Crowley raised an eyebrow. "You thought I couldn't handle an unarmed human?" He asked. "NO! Oh no, I wasn't implying that! I promise! I just didn't want her bothering you." Crowley rolled his eyes, and walked back to his desk. He sat down, placing  you onto his lap. "Hmm. If that is the case, please knock next time. You are dismissed." Chess hung her head, and replied,"Yes Crowley-sama." She left, and Crowley considered how he should proceed. He looked at you,and your eyes were try to open. Crowley wasn't sure if he should wait, since it was more fun to drain struggling prey, or just feed now. He weighed his options for a few moments, then pulled your limp body close, and tilted your head back. He leaned in, and you were barely aware that something was brushing you throat. But when he bit down, you were most certainly aware of it. You let out a gasp of pain, and exerted your last bit of strength to try to push him away. Your attempt failed, and everything around you began to fade except for the burning and throbbing pain...

Crowley Eusford x Reader - Just Another SnackWhere stories live. Discover now