Not Afraid

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I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe I was actually sitting in a dungeon chatting with Loki. And enjoying myself; nonetheless. He was in a really bad mood when I first showed up - we both were. A few petty disses and we were back to our regularly scheduled programing. I sat on his bed and he lounged in his chair. His chin resting on his knuckles. I giggled about how he should grow a beard since he looked like a twelve year old.

"Dear, grow a few inches and then talk to me about age and looks," he smirked, "you look like a toddler." He chuckled, his green eyes bright and his aura wasn't cloudy anymore.

"Hey at least I'm cuter than you." I flipped my hair over my shoulder to add flare.

He scoffed and put his hand over his heart in fake hurt. "Since when has looking like a red wood tree been cute?" He raised an eyebrow and this time I was the one with my jaw dropped playfully.

I rolled my eyes. "You tell me Mr. Blue Man Group. We just got a letter, Blue's Clues. I'm blue da ba dee da ba die." I started laughing and he joined me.

"I understood absolutely none of that." He confessed, still laughing.

I grinned. "I know, that's why it's funny." my face started to hurt with all my smiling.

"Though I guess trees do give the breath of life." he muttered to himself but with my enhanced hearing I caught.

I cringed. "Ew, Loki don't get weird." I reprimanded him playfully.

He gave his signature crooked smirk. "You're the weirdest one here."

I put my hands on my hips. "I think the word you were looking for is 'exotic' and I fit in more than you ever did." I said sassily, hoping distantly that I didn't go too far. This was just fun and games. "Hence why you're stuck here and I'm out having fun in the world." I added, donning a smirk of my own.

His eyes narrowed. "But you're not out there now, are you? You've locked yourself in the dungeon with the scary blue monster." He pointed out.

I shook my head and smiled. "I can leave whenever I want, unlike you. But I don't want to go."

Confusion engulfed his features. He opened his mouth to say something but the words never came to him. I took the time, the silence, to take him in. He was more casually dressed than what I was used to. His usual vibrant green clothes were replaced by a more dull, earthy forest green. His hair was still slicked back, out of his pale face. The green of his eyes was still sharp, actually more sharp than what I was used to. Now that I realize it, there were undertones of blue in his green eyes when we first met. My soft smile faltered the slightest. He was much different the first time I met him. He looked horrible, like he had been tortured. I don't know what happened before he came to earth but he looks much more healthy now and I'm happy for it.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked quietly, noticing my staring.

My cheeks got hot and I looked down, fidgeting with the silk sleeve of my dress. "Oh, nothing." I brushed it off, giving an awkward laugh.

"I am the lord of lies, dear, I know one when I hear one." He reminded me.

I glanced back up at him for a moment, he wasn't smirking or smiling. "I was just thinking about the first time I saw you."

He was quiet for awhile so I looked up at him again, his aura had gone dark.. muggy again. I was about to say something but he interrupted me with the clearing of his throat. "I remember." He stood and walked over to the window that faced all the other 'cells'. With his back to me he spoke. "I remember the look on your face. You were terrified."

"No, I-" I tried to defend myself.

"No need to lie." He cut me off quickly. "You were scared, but only at first. Then you saw me take down some of the humans, then you hated me." He spat.

I stood up and walked over to him, I hesitantly placed my hand between his shoulder blades. I looked up at him, he kept his face forward so I was only able to see his profile. "But that wasn't you. I don't hate you, and I'm not afraid of you either." I insisted. "Now tell me if that's a lie."

He turned his head so now I only could see his long dark hair. "It's not." He spoke reluctantly and I smiled. "But how could you be afraid when the beast is locked away, now you don't hate me you pity me." The words left his mouth quickly.

I groaned. I caught his chin in my hand and turned his head to face mine. "Back on Earth you knew this would happen, and you said you would need a friend to keep you company. Here I am ready and willing. I don't hate you,  I don't pity you, I actually like you. You're fun." His expression stayed the same, rock hard and unreadable. "Your sisters said Odin has locked you up for 'eternity' before but he's let you out early on many occasions."

He thought about it for a moment. "Yes, but that could be hundreds of years from now, time moves differently here than on your precious Earth, you sure you won't be bored of me by then?"

I shook my head. I released my hold on his chin to cross my arms over my chest. "You may not realize it but you're actually good company, and in those hundreds of years we're still gonna do millions of things." I said with a grin.

A light returned to his eyes. "You are... satisfactory company yourself."

There was the Loki that I knew and loved-- liked? The Loki I enjoyed. "I'm glad you think so highly of me." Loki was my first friend here even though we didn't get to talk often when we first arrived. He was the only one that could relate to me on certain levels, someone I could truly be myself with, and he was always in my thoughts, was I the same for him?

"But it's true, no one has ever been able to hold my attention for as long as you have." He confessed.

I raised a cautious eyebrow. "I don't know if I should be honored or worried."

He chuckled. "It couldn't hurt to be both." I watched him closely as he went over to his bed where I once was sitting and sprawled on it. He lay on his back, his hands clasped beneath his head, looking up at the ceiling. His right leg was off of the edge swung casually. "I've never met someone whose mischief matched my own until you."

I walked over to him, on the other side of the bed and sat. "Are you calling me crazy, Loki?" I smirked.

He didn't look at me but his crooked smile was enough. "That depends, Isabellianna. Do you think me crazy?"

I pursed my lips playfully and went to lay on my side next to him. My head held up by my arm. "Absolutely."

He turned on his side to face me, mirroring me. "Then absolutely."

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